Best Online Tools for coaches

11+ Must-Have Best Online Tools For Coaches to Enhance their Impact

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Being an Online Coach you would need to manage multiple systems so that you can increase your impact and reach wider range of audience.

There are 1000s of Online Tools available for various work.

Choosing the best which is in your budget as well, remains a daunting task.

Not anymore.

Have curated the best tools that is essential for an Online Coach that can help them in their journey.

Most of these tools I have personally used and are best in the market according to it’s requirement.

These will help you to put your message in front of people and build your influence.

It will help you to automate your business and save lot more time so that you can focus on other important tasks.

Even if you are not tech savvy, you must be ready to adapt and be coachable and learn these tools.

You will be able to do this without any trouble.

Just focus on sharing the goods and you shall be able to persist and thrive in this space.

A word of caution: Kindly use any tool after doing your own comparable research, based on your requirements. I personally use most of the below tool and know about it’s importance, hence tried to share my experience beneath. Do make an informed decision before investing anyone of them. Also, I would be getting few affiliate commissions when you invest in them using my link at no extra cost to you.

Let’s now learn what are these tools and for what purpose these are used.

Online Tools Required by Coaches

1. Domain

Domain represents the Main Address for you in the Online Space. Your Website, Funnels, Courses, everything is aligned to it. Domain and Hosting are the Basic Thing that you must have to start your Coaching Business in this online Space.

It is a place where you will be showcasing:

  • Who you are?
  • What you are about?
  • Inform audience about your products.
  • Create Content to build your Influence

I recommend using the below domain providers to host your website on. All my sites are hosted here only. You can chose anyone.



  • A Well-Known Reputable Company that provides domain for your Business.
$4.99 (₹500)


  • Finding Domain name of your Liking sometimes becomes Tough. It’s BeastMode will help you find the best name that you desire.
$5.08 (₹638)

The Prices mentioned above are for the first year only (when you buy for one year). After that it will be renewed in original price of ₹1200 & ₹1120 respectively. Price may vary based on the time you reading the post.

They are the best in the marketplace. You should register your domain name from any one of these two providers.

2. Hosting

Hosting is considered as the backbone of your Online System.

It is the web server where your website is present and all your data are stored here.

While selecting a hosting provider make sure that they provide:

  • Fast & Friendly Customer Support
  • 99.9% Uptime
  • Fast server speed
  • Enough Storage
  • Free SSL & Consistent Backup
  • Free Migration from Old Server

These are just few features which you must make sure that your hosting providers give you.

Do compare the features of various providers and make your choice

I Recommend using the following providers based on your state of use:

  • Hostinger: If you are a beginner and are crunch in your budget then that this the best provider for you as it has all the important features which you will be requiring.
  • Bluehost & GreenGeeks: If you get enough traffic to your pages and have an upper budget you can should opt for them. They are almost similar and have have few better features than Hostinger like Fast Customer Support and Faster Server.
  • WPX Hosting: If you are more of an experienced user and want only the best, then my friend you should opt for WPX Hosting as this is the best hosting provider in the market. Since this is a bit more expensive option that’s why I don’t recommend this for beginners. But if you are looking for the best then there is no other choice than WPX Hosting.

Don’t worry you will be able to easily migrate from one server to other as your enhance in your journey.

Compare the Price and Features of these hosting providers and make an informed decision.

3. Auto Responder/Email Marketing

Auto responder is one of the most important tool for your online business. It is the Best Relationship building method with your audience.

With help of this you are nurturing your warm audience and building their trust upon yourself.

By use of the Lead Magnets you are converting a traffic that you earn and a traffic that you have paid to a Traffic that you own.

Traffic that now belongs to you.

This has the Highest Return on Investment.

If you have enough people in your list, any new product you launch, you can test it.

You will be able to validate your idea without spending a dime on ads.

Remember, “Money is the Relationship with the list“.

Hence it’s your work to make it engaged.

I recommend and personally use Convertkit. It is very simple and efficient.

One can easily learn it and get comfortable with UI/UX of the Tool.

Plus, it as all the features which you would require as an Online Coach.

You can start with its free plan and later on as you grow can upgrade to the paid plan.

4. Funnel Builders

Websites are the Online Address which helps you to create your own brand and build your influence. But it is not used for generating cash.

To generate leads & Sales for your business you must create landing pages and funnels whose one & only objective is to sell you product.

For this purpose you need Funnel Builders where you can also put your tracking codes and get traffic will help of ads.

This is the most important tool along with email marketing which helps you in generating revenue for your business.

Thus you need to use the best Tool in the marketplace which is none other than ClickFunnels.

It is the Most Advance & Famous Funnel building software and really the best. It’s an All-in-One Software created by Russell Brunson. If you want the best then this is for you.

You can also use FlexiFunnels (which I personally use) which is India’s 1st Funnel Builder. It is also an all-in-one software. It is as comparable to Clickfunnels. It is being created by Saurabh Bhatnagar and team is working day in & out to make it a world class product. Check it out.

5. Learning Management System

Being in the knowledge industry, you would need to host your courses and give access to your students and get them inside your membership.

For this you need a knowledge portal, also called the Learning Management System.

You require this so that you don’t need to worry about hosting your courses and technologies involved.

These systems takes care of every thing so that you can focus on adding more value to your audience.

Most of these portals also allows you to host courses under your own domain as well.

The most widely used, robust and user-friendly LMS with great UI/UX is Teachable. It was specially designed for this purpose only.

You can also use FlexiFunnels for this purpose. It doesn’t have as great interface and some important section as teachable.

But it is definitely worth your investment because of it’s all-in one nature. (Funnel Creation, Hosting Courses, Websites Creation & Integrations feature all-in-one)

6. Webinar System

Webinar System is used to sell your Products to larger audience at once.

Webinars are Fastest way to Build your Influence and persuade your potential prospect to become your customer.

Once you have mastered selling through webinar and have found the best webinar (after doing 50-60 webinars), automate the most converted webinar to generate sales on automation.

There are various platforms where you can conduct a webinar.

But the most widely used platform is Zoom. It is the most familiar tool and every prospect is familiar of this tool as well.

But there are some limitations to it like there lack of marketing and automation features. Also, you would need to buy webinars as an add-on to existing paid account.

Then, you can also use Demio which has all this features.

And then, when you decide to generate leads through automated webinar, you should go for EverWebinar. It is the best tool in the market for this purpose.

7. Appointment System

For your Coaching & Agency Business to grow you have to do multiple meetings with your clients.

You would need to Manage your appointments & calendars so that all the meetings are conducted hassle free and helps you convert clients for your higher level offerings.

You can use Calendly, which is the best tool for this purpose.

It also integrates with zoom and creates link when anyone books an appointment with you.

8. Link Tracking

What gets measured, Gets managed” – Peter Ducker

If you want to excel in your business and achieve growth fast you would need to make data driven decisions and also track your each effort.

This way you will be able to know what efforts of yours is bring in in most results and focus on that.

You can track all your links with help of tools like: This is Free tool and is used by many which helps you shorten your links
ClickMagick: If you want to get advance data to make a much more informed decision, you can use this

9. Payment Gateway

Payment Gateway is something which we as an Online Coaches require from the start.

You can us the following gateways for this purpose.

Indian Customers: Razorpay & Instamojo
International Customers: PayPal & Stripe

Use them and focus on generating regular income for business.

10. Advanced Integrator

For your business to grow every tools must work with each other.

When they do, it gives you power to automate your minimal tasks like sending email to every attendee, getting the list of registrations to different places, combining various tools to enhance the customer experience, etc.

It also makes easy for you deliver your promised goods to thousands of people at the same time.

This saves lots of your time when most tasks are done in automation.

You can use the following Tools for this purpose:
Pabbly: When you are starting and don’t need advance automation features
Zapier: Best Tool for automations & integrations

Note: When you will use FlexiFunnels you need not buy these Tools for Integration. They have this feature inbuilt in them.

11. Private Network

Creating your own Community HUB is an essential element for attracting abundance in your life.

It will help you create multiple streams of recurring income.

Also, you will be able to help your students get results which in itself brings in the most amount of business for you than any strategy will ever.

At start, You can host you community in a FB group. That’s what I am currently doing. (You can join my Free Community here)

But later on when your community grows of your paid students, it’s better to host it on a private network, under your own website.

For this purpose there are two tool that is best in the marketplace and I have personally used them for clients.

They are Mighty Networks & Circle.

You can host your private on this platform. Do check them out.

12. Bonus Tool: Automated Chat

When you become an influencer and get huge social media following and messages on social media, you won’t be able to reply to each of them.

You will get regular queries about your business and most of these questions will be common.

Thus, you can create an automated chat that could reply to common questions and direct people to the required resources as well.

You can use this Automated Chat for faster growth which will save your precious time.

You can use InstaChamp for this purpose.

You can also create strategies to get unlimited leads from social media (Posts, videos & stories) using this tool.


Now you know what are the tools you require for excelling in this Online Space.

Just Remember, Treat buying these tools as an Investment you are making which will help you gain a lot more money.

Don’t be cheap on your journey to greatness.

Opt-in for the best tools and you won’t regret a dime spending on it as the ROI will be huge.

Focus on serving your audience and help them get results they desire.

In process you will achieve what you desire.

Let me know in the comments: Which of these tools you are currently use and how is your experience with them. It will help our user to choose the best.

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