Lead Magnet Ideas

Lead Magnet Ideas For Coaches To Generate 1000s Of Leads

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Many people say that email marketing is dead.

Nowadays people don’t buy reading an email.

They get so much of emails that people don’t read it and it usually ends up in Promotion or Spam folder.

If One is trying to build their own email list, it is of no use and businesses should not waste time doing it.

But tell me if this would have been the case why big companies like Facebook, Google, Apple, etc are asking for your contact details whenever you signup for anything.

Every company wants your data.

Data is the Ultimate power in the modern age.

You might have heard the phrase, “Money is in the List”.

But in actual, “Money is in the Relationship with your List“.

How is your relationship with your audience decides how much money you will make.

Thus, If you want to build a sustainable business, you must build your own list and lead magnets are the way to do it.

Let’s now understand what actually is a lead magnet and why is it so important for business.

Lead Generation Funnel Formula

Take this Complete Handholding Course with You to Build & Launch your First Converting Lead Generation Funnel

What do you mean by a Lead Magnet?

Lead magnet is something really valuable your audience wants that you give away for FREE in exchange their contact details i.e their Name, Email & Phone Number.

It could anything: Mini Course, Guides, Checklist, Free Webinar, etc. More on this later.

You just have to make sure that it is really valuable and something which your audience needs & wants.

Importance of Lead Magnets

Role of Lead Magnets is to Bring In Enough amount of Quality Leads.

When people subscribe to get the lead magnet, it is the first step of you building a real relationship with your potential customer.

It creates a Win-Win Situation for both the Audience and Business. People get the valuable asset and the business their contact details.

You job is to nurture your subscribers and build TRUST.

Lead Magnets helps to convert a Cold Traffic, someone who is unaware of your to become your Lead (Warm Traffic).

It helps in converting people to become a Traffic that you own and no one can can take it away from you.

When you build your influence on Social Media, Google & YouTube, a slight change in algorithm can take away all the attraction you should get.

You must make sure that nothing can affect your business.

Thus, you must build your own list. It will very fruitful in longer run.

What makes a good Lead Magnet?

A good Lead Magnet is Something which your audience requires and solves real problem of your prospect.

The key is: It should be as short and as valuable as possible. It should also be really specific which is helping people to get a quick win.

For example: Out of the below options, What you will signup for?

  • Sign up for receiving important marketing strategies that is valuable for your business
  • Sign up for receiving 10 Marketing Strategies that will help you improve your Conversion rate by 10%

Obviously the second one, right?

It’s because it has specific result attached to it. When things get crystal clear and we are seeing the exact result we quickly take action and and try to achieve it.

That’s what your lead magnet should be perceived as.

You Don’t need to create long pdfs as people won’t consume it. Create something long enough that people can get it’s value in as short and as quickly as possible.

This will help you to convert people to your paid program more easily.

Also, make sure that it is be delivered right away (as soon as people signup for it) so that it satisfies instant gratification of your audience.

Now, lets move on to the ideas which will help you generate 1000s of leads.

Lead Magnet Ideas

Many newbies struggle to create a lead magnet.

They get confused as which lead magnet is apt for their audience.

To solve this have curated the following list which will give ideas as to which lead magnet you should use to attract the right customer to your community.

Read it through to have a detailed understanding of it.

1. Free Checklist

Checklist is a short doc/pdf which does heavy lifting for your audience and is easily consumable.

Take any complex problem and then create a step by step actionable list detailing each point that one needs to keep in mind while executing the solution to the problem. This is done so that people don’t miss any point.

e.g Step-by-Step Actionable List to Conduct your 1st ever successful webinar

2. Free Guide

These are detail guides which helps to complete an outcome. They could be:

3. Free Consultation Call

People want solution to personal problem and wants to be heard. They want someone with whom they can share their problem and could a personalized solution.

Connect with your potential customer and help them overcome a problem. This way they will TRUST you more than anyone and you will be able to show your expertise better than any other method.

As People don’t care how much knowledgeable you are as long as they are able to get the solution they desire.

4. Free Webinar

Webinars are the Fastest way to establish yourself as an expert and build Trust with your audience.

In about 90 Minutes you can transform yourself from a complete stranger for your audience to someone who can solve understands them and can solve all their problems.

By the end they will be ready to do business with you. That’s how powerful a webinar is.

You can Conduct a valuable webinar and at the end answer all their questions. Also, can pitch your products at the end and generate sales.

Master this art of persuasion of one to many and generate a fortune for yourself.

5. Free Mini-Course

This Course is a Mini Version of your detailed course covering the concepts in brief and overview of your detailed course.

It will give few core concepts and get people excited for your main course which is more intensive version of this mini-course.

At the end of this, also share your main course.

Example: When you go to this link. You will find a course on Digital Marketing done by Digital Deepak. With this one lead magnet he has generated India’s largest email list and now are generating revenue of his list.

6. Free Templates

You can share Free Templates with your audience which will help people reach their goals much faster. It will provide a complete structure and people just have to customize them a bit.

Example: Free Email Template to Increase your Conversion Rate

7. Free Trial

You can give access to initial few modules of your detailed course for a limited amount of time.

This way they will get the first hand experience of how it feels to learn from you and achieve transformation. This will increase your conversion rate.

8. Free Coupon/Early Bird Discount/Waiting List

You can collect contact details of your potential customer by giving them Discount Coupons of your Product.

You can also ask people to join your waiting list and when you launch your course, you will give them a heavy discount. You can use this strategy to Pre-sell your Courses.

This way you will be able to validate your idea and see whether your core audience actually needs to product in this form or you need to try something else.

This will save you a lot of hassle and time of recording and editing your course.

9. Free Chapter from your Book

While Webinar is the fastest way to establish yourself as an expert, Writing your own Book is the best way. It will also help you to reach more people and build your influence.

You can give a Free Chapter of your book as a lead magnet and collect their details.

10. Industry Specific

Following are the few of the Industries and specific type of lead magnet that is most effective for them.

  • Healers: Free Audio File
  • Financial Advisors: Free Spreadsheet with pre-loaded formulas helping people to make a decision. Example: Check this YouTube Video by Ankur Warikoo: Should I buy or rent a house in 2021?. You will find an excel in the description. You can create a similar excel and use it as a lead magnet.
  • Marketer/Copywriter: Swipe Files/Scripts
  • Graphic Designers: Free Catalogue
  • B2B Space: Whitepapers/Industry Reports/Case Study
  • Subject Matter Experts: Free Quiz/Online Tests
  • Health & Fitness: Free Recipes

11. Other Ideas

Few of the Other Ideas which you could use as a lead magnet are:

  • Free Mindmaps
  • Free Infographics
  • Free Newsletter
  • Free Workbook
  • Free Tutorial/Video
  • Giveaways


No one wakes up in the morning and says they want more emails, so your pitch to subscribe for getting regular emails with important strategies doesn’t work much.

You need to offer something in exchange for an email that is helpful.

And we have discussed about them above.

Choose anyone that suits you and your audience and create your irresistible lead magnet.

You can use these Lead Magnets on your Website, Social media channels, and YouTube or drive paid traffic to get fast results for your Opt-in Funnels.

Don’t forget to nurture them as “Money is the Relationship with your List“.

Lead Generation Funnel Formula

Take this Complete Handholding Course with You to Build & Launch your First Converting Lead Generation Funnel

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