Write An Intriguing Introduction

How To Write An Intriguing Introduction For Your Blog Post

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Write Intriguing Inroduction

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words.

The above picture proves the phrase.

This is exactly your situation when you sit down to write your blog post.


You have hit the writer’s block and the cursor is blinking or you are sitting ideally without putting any words on the paper.

Somehow you write the headline with the research or using formulas. But then comes the mountain “Introduction”.

You are stuck and are not able to go anywhere. You are not able to get the ball rolling, you are not able to start. And that makes this post super important for you.

Every writer goes through this situation. You are not alone.

So Don’t Worry Be Happy.

After reading the post all your pain will vanish. You will become fully aware of your next action plus will feel confident in writing an intriguing introduction.

But before proceeding to the strategies and tips for writing the introduction of your blog, let’s first try to understand why Introduction is such an important part of your blog.

Why Is It Important To Start With A Bang?

Imagine wouldn’t it be great if every person who clicks on your post and reads it all from start to end without getting bored, unable to pull their eyes away from your article.

This the dream of every content marketer out there which is only possible if you have a great intro.

As a beginner, I used to think that my introduction is just a small part of my post then why should I pay attention to it? I know the same question will also be going through your mind.

But trust me the introduction is as important as your headline.

After writing an amazing headline and grabbing the attention of the reader you won’t want to lose them with your mediocre intros. That’s why it is very necessary that you learn to write an intriguing introduction.

The intro will determine whether a person will bounce out from your post or read the article completely.

It sets the context of what the reader should expect from the blog post.

Also, the attention span of an average human being is just Eight seconds. And people are fond of taking decisions in split seconds.

So it becomes extremely important that you write a compelling intro and grab the attention of the reader into your content.

Otherwise, you will lose the battle before you have even started.

Writing a catchy introduction can be a very tedious job. But the work becomes easy when you are aware of the essential elements.

Essential Elements Of An Intro

There are three important elements of a good blog introduction. Let’s understand about them in brief:


This is what grabs the attention of the reader. It drives the people in your blog post. It can be a small sentence, a phrase, or even a word. The hook could be a question, an inspirational quote, shocking stats, etc.

The motive here is to create a slippery slide and draw the reader to read your whole copy without getting bored or distracted from your content.


It is the element which forms the bridge between your hook and the thesis. This is how you lead the reader into your blog. It is usually where you justify your title.


The thesis is the last element of an introduction which tells the reader what the content is all about. It summarizes the topic and strengthens the reason for reading the blog. It is the place where you give context to your content and draw the reader into the body section.

All in all focus on grabbing the reader’s attention, presenting the reason why you are writing this piece of content, and explaining how your content will help them in their journey.

9 Tips For Writing An Intriguing Introduction

Let’s see the 9 Strategies that can help you nail the introduction of your blog post.

Reveal the Big “Why” of Your Content

People don’t buy the product, People buy the result which the product will help them to achieve.

Your post is the same. People want to achieve the desired result or they want to solve a specific problem, that’s why they came to your blog. So give them that reason to stay.

Reveal “Why” they should read your post completely. What will be the result that they will achieve after reading your blog post? It will keep the reader stuck to your post.

Be Empathetic

Feel the pain and pleasure of people. Make the reader believe that you know what their problem is and you care for them.

Someone will read your blog only when they believe that you have the solution to their problem. Focus on people’s problems and solve them.

Solve a Single Problem

The purpose of any post is to address a very specific problem. Validate the problems. Don’t try to focus on solving many problems through your single post or give them too many action plans.

Otherwise, you will only end up confusing them. Focus on one topic and go deep into that topic.

Just like the writer of What But Why did in this article where he addressed the problem of picking out your career. He knew that many people have this problem, so he intended to help them through this article.

Narrate a Story

Do you know why Friends is such a popular series even after these many years?

Today’s generation also loves it, even though its last episode was released way back in 2003.

Its only reason is people see themselves in those six characters. They feel that it’s their story.

This is how everlasting impact stories leave in our minds. So include stories in your posts and the best place is to include it in the introduction. It acts as a hook and people are drawn to it.

Connect your story to the message you want to convey. It will enhance the emotions in the prospect’s mind and they will read your whole posts.

Deepak Kankaraju (Digital Deepak) has used stories in a great fashion in this article. The phrase “This is a true story” has enticed the readers and they are curious to know about the story.

Just Remember, The more people believe that the story is true and authentic, the more people will engage in it.

Start with a Controversy

You can start with a bold statement or a controversial statement.

Controversy will create polarity. It will divide people into two segments. Some will agree with you some won’t. But both will engage in your post for proving their point. This way your post will gain popularity.

It’s like when in an election two parties are competing against each other. Some follow one and hate others and vice-versa.

People love to stay in the middle, while all the Actions are at the Corner.

You will get immense success when you will take a strong stand and won’t try to impress everybody.

Get people in the “Yes” Mode

At the end of the post, you want your reader to take a specific action. You want them either to comment or signup for your newsletter or any other action.

This won’t happen only by asking at the end. You need to get people in the “Yes” mode.

Write your content in such a manner that people agree with your thought process and get in the sink with it right from the start.

This will create the slippery slide which you want and it will help in convincing your audience for the action you want them to take.

Don’t Try To Appear Smart

This is the most common mistake a newbie blogger makes. They try to appear smart and show off that they know everything. That they are far superior to their audience.

They try to use fancy words to impress the reader and end up only confusing the reader and losing their value.

I hope you don’t do that.

Just remember the words of Leonardo Da Vinci that Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication.

Use simple words that we use in day-to-day life. The more simple and down to earth you are, the more the audience will resonate with you and will trust you.

Tease The Audience Into Your Blog Post

The main work of your intro is that people read it and get excited to know more about the topic. So make your introduction interesting.

Don’t give all the information upfront. Tease the audience so that they want to continue reading your post. Solve the problem but not in a boring way.

You can use an anecdote, similes, metaphors, or even could halt a story in midway so that people have to read till the end to finish it. This will engage the reader and you will be able to help them and yourself as well.

Pain Vs Gain

This is a great opening for your blog post. Especially if you are about to share your experience or learnings. You can even do this if you are about to boost a particular product or service.

Explore the pain of the before state and what was your life before you discovered it. Share your hardship and struggle. This will make the reader feel empathetic for you. The more you can raise the stakes, the more compelling your blog intro will become.

But keep in mind Tip#8 and don’t reveal everything upfront. Keep your learning or experience till the end and then share it.


There is no hard and fast rule as to how you can start your post. Be creative and write keeping your audience in your mind. Everything else will fall into place.

At the start, you will find it difficult to write a great intro. But don’t fear it or give up. With practice, you will get better at it and will achieve the desired result.

Remember: Everything is New Before it gets Easy.

Are there any other strategies that I might have missed that you use to write an awesome blog post introduction?

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