Product Comparison Posts

How to Write Compelling Product Comparison Posts for Promoting Affiliate Links?

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As a blogger or affiliate marketer, you want to promote products that will benefit your audience and generate your affiliate sales.

One of the best ways to do that is by writing product comparison posts.

These types of posts allow you to compare the features, benefits, and drawbacks of different products, making it easier for your audience to choose the best one for their needs.

In this article, I’ll provide you with a Step-by-Step Guide for Writing a Product Comparison Post that helps you to make money on the fly.

Why Comparison Posts Generate More Affiliate Sales?

Comparison post removes confusion between similar kind of products and helps you to make an informed buying decision.

They answer questions like:

  • What is the best product for me?
  • What distinguishes these products?
  • Which product has the most features and benefits?
  • Under what conditions, one should prefer one over the other?

You are helping people make that purchase decision by providing them with the criteria on which they can judge the products. You are sharing your experiences and stories with the products.

This way people will relate with you and build trust.

When you provide impartial information and show both the strengths and weaknesses of different products, your audience will see you as a reliable source of information.

This, in turn, can lead to increased engagement and long-term brand loyalty.

Step-by-Step Guide for Writing a Product Comparison Post

Deeply Understand your Target Audience

Before you begin writing your comparison post, it is crucial to understand your target audience.

Determine their needs, wants, and pain points, as well as what they are searching for in a product.

Understanding your target audience allows you to personalize your comparison post to meet their specific needs and provide them with the information they seek.

This will help you to understand what solutions they are looking for and which products they are confused about.

Plus what are the qualities they want inside the product?

So that when researching, you are analyzing the products based on these important criteria.

Learn: How to Know about your Target Audience in More-Depth (Create your Ideal Customer Avatar)

Find Products To Compare

Finding the right products to compare is the initial step in writing a compelling comparison post. There are several ways to find products to compare, including:

  • Keyword Research
  • Finding Product Alternatives

Finding Product via Keyword Research

One of the simplest ways to find products to compare is through keyword research.

Tools such as Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush allow you to find keywords related to your niche and see which products rank for those keywords.

Find Product Alternatives

Another way to find products to compare is by discovering alternatives to popular products in your niche.

For example, if you’re writing a comparison post about the best laptops, you could compare different laptop brands and models, such as MacBooks, HP, Dell, Lenovo, etc.

Do a Complete Thorough Research

Once you have your products, it’s time to do complete and thorough research. Look at the features and benefits of each product, as well as their drawbacks.

Take note of any information that may be relevant to your comparison posts, such as product specifications, customer reviews, and pricing.

Outline your Comparison Posts

Now that you have all the information you need, it’s time to create an outline for your comparison post.

This way you only need to fill in the blanks in the step and will not feel overwhelmed.

It should include the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • Each Product Overview
  • In-Depth Features and Benefits Comparison
  • Side-by-Side Features Comparison (Table Format)
  • Conclusion

Write your Comparison Post

Using your outline acting as a guide, it’s time to write your comparison post.

Intriguing Introduction

The introduction of your comparison post is the first impression you’ll make on your audience.

It’s essential to make it compelling and intriguing, as it will determine whether or not your audience will continue reading.

Start with a hook that captures the reader’s attention and introduces the topic of your comparison post.

Then, provide a brief overview of the products you will be comparing and why they are relevant to your target audience.

An Intriguing Introduction has 3 parts:

  • Hook: Like a Hook is used to catch a Fish, Similarly, this Grabs the attention of the reader
  • Transition: It forms the bridge between your Hook and the Thesis and is usually where you justify your title. This is usually one or two lines.
  • Thesis: This is the last element of an introduction that tells the reader what the content is all about. Summarize the topic and strengthen the reason for reading the blog. For Comparison Posts highlight why they should read these posts and what confusion will it help them resolve.

You can also use the PAS Copywriting Formula for this purpose where you are highlighting the main problem, agitating it so that it pains more, and giving a solution (your blog)

Learn: How to Write the Best Introduction for Blog Posts that persuades people to read it completely

Each Product Overview

In this section, give a brief overview of each product.

This section should provide a basic introduction to each product and set the stage for the in-depth comparison that will follow.

For some cases, I even like to highlight the pros and cons of each software in this section and do a brief review.

This makes sure that there is no stone left unturned and that people are completely aware of both these products.

In-Depth Features and Benefits Comparison

This section is the heart of your comparison post. Here, you will dive into the features and benefits of each product, comparing and contrasting them to determine which one is the best for your target audience.

Start by comparing the similar features of each product, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses.

Then, move on to the differences between each product and any additional features they may have.

I really like how Email Tester Tool writes this section in their comparison posts.

They rate each feature for both products and declare a winner.

See How they compare Email Automation for both ActiveCampaign and GetResponse and at the end declare ActiveCampaign as the Winner.

Side-by-Side Features Comparison (Table Format)

This Comparison Table acts as a summary of the previous section.

You provide a side-by-side comparison of the features of each product using a table format.

This will make it easier for your audience to quickly compare the features of each product and see which one meets their needs best.

Example: See How EmailTesterTool has created this detailed features table. You need to build this for yourself.


In your conclusion, summarize the key takeaways from your comparison post. Emphasize which product is the best for your target audience and why based on the information you provided.

Be sure to include your affiliate link for the recommended product (it can be both the products) and invite your audience to make a purchase if they find it helpful.

Bonus: Highlight the Reasons why Someone Can Choose one over the Other

This is an Optional Section for You (I like to do it).

In this bonus section, provide reasons why someone may choose one product over the other, based on their specific needs and preferences.

For example, if one product is more affordable, but the other has more advanced features, highlight these reasons so your audience can make an informed decision (based on their condition).

This is How I Present this Section using Affiliate Booster Plugin

Make sure to highlight the unique selling points of each product. Discuss what sets each product apart from the rest and why it is a better choice for your target audience.

This information will help your audience make a more informed purchase decision.

Proof-Read and Publish

Once you have written your comparison post, it’s important to proofread it before publishing. This will ensure that your post is free of errors and is easy to read and understand.

When you’re ready, publish your post and start promoting it to your audience.

Real-World Examples of a Comparison BlogPosts

Checkout the following articles to get some inspiration and ideas for your blog posts:

Everyone has their own touch on these comparison posts. You need to find your voice and give your own twist and stories to these blog posts.

Best Tips for Writing an Awesome Product Comparison Post

In addition to the steps outlined above, there are several tips to keep in mind when writing an exceptional product comparison post:

  • Use Unique Content: Make sure that your comparison post is unique and offers valuable information to your audience. Don’t simply copy and paste information from other websites. Instead, add your own personal touch to the content, share your personal story, and provide insights and observations that you have gathered from your research.
  • Include Personal Experiences: This will build trust between you and your audience. People are reading comparison posts to understand your experience only.
  • Use Visuals: Including visuals, such as product images and charts, can make your comparison post more engaging and help your audience better understand the information you’re presenting.
  • Keep a Neutral Approach: When writing your comparison post, be impartial and avoid promoting one product over the other. Instead, provide an objective comparison of the products and let your audience decide which one is best for them.
  • Give a Solid Recommendation (at the end): At the end of your post, give a solid recommendation on which product one should choose. Like in this Hostinger Vs GreenGeeks post I recommend Newbies to go with Hostinger because of less price and GreenGeeks to More Experienced because it’s better overall.

By following these tips, you can increase the effectiveness of your product comparison posts and drive more affiliate sales.


Writing a product comparison post can be a great way to promote affiliate products and generate sales.

By providing valuable information to your audience and building trust, you can increase engagement and brand loyalty.

You have also learned the steps for writing compelling product comparison posts that will help you achieve your affiliate marketing goals.

Writing compelling product comparison posts takes time and effort, but it is a worthwhile investment that can bring significant results to your affiliate marketing efforts.

Now it’s your time. Start Writing and add this to your arsenal.


Writing a product comparison post can help you promote affiliate products, increase engagement, build trust with your audience, and generate affiliate sales.

To determine which product to recommend in your comparison post, do thorough research on each product and compare their features and benefits. Based on the information you gather, choose the product that is best for your target audience and highlight why it is the best option.

Yes, you can promote multiple products in a single comparison post, as long as you provide an objective comparison (neutral point of view) of each product and let your audience make the final decision on which one to choose. Do give your recommendation as well, based on their need and situation.

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