Overcome Writer's Block

How To Overcome Writer’s Block And Write An Exceptional Copy

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Do you feel difficulty in putting words on paper? You keep staring at the blank screen & just cannot write anything at all.

If yes, then don’t worry. You are not alone.

Every writer once in a while faces this problem. They are not able to produce great content in a regular interval.

But if others can recover from it so can you.

Let’s begin this journey of removing your writer’s block.

But, before proceeding to the techniques to overcome writer’s block you must first understand what causes it.

What Causes Writer’s Block?

Understanding the cause of writer’s block will put you in a better position to face it and eventually overcome it. The causes are…


Fear haunts

Fear can be a great friend as well as a great enemy for a human being.

You being a copywriter can use fear as a psychological trigger to attract more people. But it could also act against you.

While writing you are fearful that whether your customers or clients will like your copy or not. How will their reaction be? Whether you will be successful in persuading them or not.

All these questions are stopping you from writing your persuasive copy.

The fear has paralyzed your brain and it not letting you focus on your work.


Our mind is full of thoughts.

At a particular time, there are thousands of thoughts (if not more) moving in your mind. Also, the craving for entertainment is boosting it.

So getting distracted and moving away from the copy is a strong possibility.

You have to learn to maintain your focus amidst all the distractions. Then only you will be able to give your best.


The basic tendency of a human being is to delay. They want to do things at the very end. You are no different.

You might be having thoughts about your topic and how you want to represent it. But you procrastinated and thought that you will be writing it afterward.

But it’s very difficult to gather your thoughts again when the moment has passed.

So become hyperactive and passionate about your work.

This will not let you become lazy and will provide you the fuel to keep writing.


Maybe your last copy was a huge success. So you are feeling stressed thinking about the result of this copy.

Or you are stressed in your personal life. So your professional life is also getting hampered.

Whatever may be the reason, your creativity is fading.

Focus on easing out and relaxing. This will help you to get over your anxiety.


You want everything to be perfect.

Before you have even written down something you are thinking about how you want to make it perfect.

This paralyzes your brain and you are not able to write anything.

Even if you have started writing you put backspace and dismiss it. You don’t feel that the word fits there.

Editing while writing is the problem. By doing you are only wasting your time nothing more.

You must know being perfect is just an illusion. No one is perfect in this world and never will be.

The same goes for your post.

When you will complete your work it will be more satisfying than trying to make everything perfect and wasting your time.

Just remember: Done is better than perfect.

So without further delay let’s dive in and know how you can overcome writer’s block and produce excellent content.

11+ Techniques To Overcome Writer’s Block

Even after knowing the causes, you still can’t completely avoid it.

Let’s try together and defeat this common enemy of ours with the techniques given below.

Draw A Complete Outline Of Your Post

Before you sit down to write any form of content, develop an easy-to-follow outline.

The outline should include your title, subtitle, major points you want to write, and a conclusion.

This will guide you when you start writing your copy.

You already know what you want to write in the description based on the subheadings.

A good outline will reduce your review time as you won’t have to rearrange continuously.

It will make your work a lot easier as you won’t get stuck in the middle.

Spend Time On Social Media Platforms

You can talk to friends and family. This can be both virtual and in person. Just interact with people.

The talk could be about your work or your article or maybe even outside of it. This way you will be able to freshen up and all your fear and dilemma will get removed.

Social media platforms are also a great place to get great content ideas for your copy. You can search for them in various groups.

Groups will help you to connect with like-minded people. You can also seek help from your fellow mates.


Alone you can win but with a team, you can dominate.

Start From Middle

It’s a great practice to write your introduction at the start. It gives you the flow and the context for your content.

But if you are not able to do it, no worries you can always start from the middle.

There is no such hard and fast rule. Try and test different things.

And choose the best one for yourself.

Every person has a different personality and their habits are accordingly. Figure out your’s and stick with it to write an exceptional copy.

Reread Your Best Posts

You would have written some of the posts which you are proud of. Which people would have encouraged and praise. Read them.

You might be losing confidence and doubting yourself. So you need some kind of inspiration.

Rereading your best post will bring back your confidence and you will be able to overcome writer’s block.

Do Some Fast Walking

Our brain thinks faster when a significant amount of oxygen reaches it.

You can do some fast walking or some exercise to quicken the blood flowing into your brain.

Your body will be charged up. Then utilize this energy to write your post.

This is my go-to move whenever I’m feeling kind of dizzy or scratchy. This helps me to act quickly and concentrate on essential things.

Do Some Fun Activity

Exercising might be difficult for you plus it’s not that fun too.

But don’t worry, I have you covered.

You can do some fun activities like dancing singing, drawing, etc. Do something which you love to do.

This will get you in the right headspace and you will be able to give your best shot in the post.

Also by doing it you will be able to relax and all your tension will vanish. You will be able to focus more clearly.

Use A Different Writing Tool

The environment plays a vital role in writing.

You might have gone accustomed to the environment or kind of bored to see the same thing always.

This could be the reason for your writer’s block.

So change the environment. Go out in the park, be amidst nature, and write your copy.

This will give you a different and freshening feel which will help you in concentrating more.

Also, you can change your writing pad or device.

You might have been doing your work completely on the laptop. Change it and try out using pen and paper.

Do these small changes and the result might completely change.

Free Writing

What do you do with garbage? Do you keep it in your home?

No, you dump it in the dustbin.

Then why not do the same thing with your brain.

Your brain is your home. Dump all your ideas and thoughts in the piece of paper and out of your brain.

Then select what’s required and put the rest in the dustbin.

Don’t cluster everything inside. Get it out. This way your mind will be clear and you will be able to think properly. Do this daily.

Don’t worry about your grammar spelling mistakes and all just write freely.

You can also use free platforms like 750 words, themostdangerouswritingapp or even google docs for this purpose.

Just write every day and make this a habit. You will be surprised to see your progress.

Stop Complaining

The biggest problem in today’s world is that we complain a lot.

We don’t want to take control of their life and love to blame others if any wrong happens.

If a particular situation is not right, rather than correcting it we have a tendency to play a blame game. Stop doing it.

If you are not able to write it’s your problem. Find a solution to it. Don’t crib and complain about the situation.

When you do this you will become responsible and will do your work properly and on time.

Do Some Research Work

There might be a possibility that you haven’t done your research properly.

You have missed something important that’s why you are not able to get the ball rolling.

Do some research work again. It will help you to organize your thought and be more analytical. Search about your topic in greater detail.

Something will definitely strike and you will be able to overcome your writer’s block.

Dictate Rather Than Write

You might listen to the phrase: “Write the way you talk”. This is the best way to remove your writer’s block.

You will never get a talker’s block. You don’t wait for days to say something. You don’t wait to make it perfect. Instead, you speak & hope that your message is well received by others. Plus you add some explanation (if required)

And you have the option to edit & polish your copy, then why not use it.

This will also make your copy conversational and the readers will appreciate it.

Bonus Tip: Steal Ideas

Is your core belief to be original is causing your writer’s block? If yes, then put that belief in the gutter for the time being.

Learn to steal ideas from different writers and make it your own. Read different copies and mix and match the blog ideas.

Use them for writing, just don’t copy outright. Write your own version of the topic.

And your copy will be ready to get published.


There is no right solution to overcome writer’s block. What will work for you one time may not work another time.

Don’t get dishearten. This happens with everyone.

Just maintain your composure and keep writing.

Your brain is very powerful. Utilize it productively and in no time your exceptional copy will be ready.

What are your go-to methods of removing the block? Tell me about them. I will love to hear from you.

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