
All-In-One Guide for Creating your First-Ever Converting Lead Generation Funnel | Important for Coaches

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Leads are the Lifeline of Any Business

Hence as Coach & Business Owners, it’s our responsibility to build a System that Continuously generates Leads for us on Automation.

But many people, especially newbies struggle with generating consistent leads. Someday their efforts is paid of & someday they fail miserably.

This is because they don’t have a Strong System in place that helps them to generate quality Leads for their Business.

Thus to tackle this, follow this complete article. This is a Step-by-Step Guide that will help you build a converting Lead Generation Funnel and the Complete System.

By end of this article, you will have the system that you can rinse and repeat again and again.

This has been divided into five chapters.

Let’s begin with the First one and set your Solid Foundation upon which you can build your long lasting Lead Generation Funnel & System.

Take this Complete Hanholding Course with You Build & Launch your First Converting Lead Generation Funnel

CHAPTER – 1: Build a Solid Foundation for your First Lead Generation Funnel

Goal: One can only create a Long Storey Building when they have a Solid Foundation beneath. That’s what this chapter is going to help you with. It will the lay the Solid Foundation of your Lead Generation Strategy after which you will be able to attract continuous quality leads on automation.

In this Chapter, we are going to Focus upon the following topics: 

  • Why is it Important to Collect Leads and Build your Own Email List?
  • How can you generate leads and build your own list?
  • Dream Customer Analysis
  • Know your Competitors and Industry Leaders Inside-Out

Who is a Lead?

A Lead is someone who has given you their contact details for exchange of some value. They are the people who potentially could need and want your product plus have the financial capacity to pay for. 

3 Types of Traffic

  • Traffic that you Pay For: Facebook & Google Ads
  • Traffic that you Earn: Social Media Followers, YouTube Subscribers
  • Traffic that you Own: Email List, Facebook Group (should collect their email when they are joining the group)

Our Goal as a business owner is to convert Traffic that we have paid for & earned to turn them to Traffic that we own. {More on this in Chapter 5}

Benefits of Having a List

Following are the reasons why you should go full-out in building your List:

  • You can test your New Product Idea easily
  • Better Chance to Build TRUST
  • No need to continuously spend money to get traffic
  • Better Reach on your posts, videos & podcasts.
  • Base of a Sustainable Long Term Business
  • No Fear of Algorithm Change
  • You can Nurture your Audience and sell more than one product to them
  • You Business Future in your own hand

Steps for Generating Leads & Building your Own List

In order to build your own list, following is the Steps that one need to take:

  1. Understand who exactly is your target audience and what is their problem and goal
  2. Competitor Analysis – To know what lead magnets they are giving to people and get ideas for your own Lead Magnet
  3. Create a Lead Magnet that can help them overcome a problem or achieve their goal
  4. Create a Lead Funnel to get Leads and give valuable thing to people on automation
  5. Drive Traffic organically or by buying ads
  6. Follow-up with your leads to Nurture them

In this article we are going to touch each of them.

Your Dream Customer Analysis

You are reading how to get leads for your business, then I am sure you would definitely know what exactly your niche is. But still if you have any doubt, Checkout this video for finding out your profitable niche.

Now let’s understand very important part that is the foundation of generating leads & sales for your Business i,e your Dream Customer.

Who is a Dream Customer? Why is it Important to Understand Them?

Your Dream Customer is Someone who is most suitable to buy your product and someone whom you could help the most. This is your Perfect Customer who is ready to pay you and get the knowledge that you are giving.

Someone who you could help to achieve their desire.

Nobody cares How much know, Until they know How much you care for them.”

Your goal as a business owner is to Understand them equal to if not better than they do themselves.

It is very important so that:

  • Your Marketing Message gets Better Aligned and helps you to Bring in More Leads for your Business.
  • You understand What they Desire deeply Or Knowing their Exact Problem, so that you can create a Lead Magnet they want
  • You can target them perfectly in your ads and save your hard earned money from getting wasted

Creation of Dream Customer Avatar

Dream Customer Avatar is your Fictional Character who represents who exactly is your Customer. You need to give Life to your Avatar.

Imagine taking all the people to whom you want to sell your product or services, be it a thousand or ten thousand people, and combining them to a single person.

You might be creating lead magnet so that many people go through it and you get tons of attention. But in reality, you are talking to a single person (at a time). People are going through the course themselves and are trying to relate everything you are saying with their own lives.

Your message should be focused on that particular person. This way it can become personalize & will attract more people. Plus inspire them to take the required action.

Let’s build your Customer Avatar

We have divided your Ideal Customer Avatar into two segment. Both of them are equally important for your Business. They are:

  • Useful for Targeting: These are the information you should know about your Customers that will help you in targeting your ideal customer precisely and help you to reach to them with your marketing message.
  • Useful for Messaging: These are the information that will help you to deeply understand your ideal customer and create your marketing message and product aligned with them. This way you will be able to persuade them easily.
Useful For Targeting

Start by giving a Name to your Character, to make it feel more alive. Someone who you could talk to and one who is craving for your solution because it can change his life.


  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Marital Status
  • Income Level
  • Education Level
  • Occupation


  • YouTube Channel they follow
  • Influencers they follow
  • Conferences they attend
  • Books & Magazines they read
  • Topics they are Interested In
  • Facebook Group They are Part Of

When you will run any type of ads focus on this targeting. It will help you to reach the right person. This is just a basic version. You should collect more data in order to make your ads work better.

Useful for Messaging

Your words are what will attract customer and persuade them to buy your product or get your lead magnet. Hence your messaging should be solid and perfectly aligned with your customer avatar.

Gather the following information about the Dream Customer:

  • Results They Desire/You can help them with: These are the Invisible & Visible Results that your customer deeply want. Hence you must understand What they desire. And more then What, Why they desire. Because the Why is what pushes people to take uncomfortable action. So must know the deep Why of your audience.
  • Most Pressing Problems & Pain Points (Current Situation): Understand their problems & pain they feel. The What & the Why. This will let you know their Current Situation and you can create a lead magnet removing the pain & align your message as well.
  • Their Limiting Beliefs (Inner Thoughts): We all have limiting beliefs that is stopping us from going to the next level. Know about those thoughts. Things people think they need to Have in order to become successful like Lot of Money, Lot of Knowledge, Lot of Experience, etc. Also, the Things they need to do like Follow a Strict diet & Do a lot of exercise(if your product is of Weight Loss), Do some extraordinary Marketing, Learn all about Sales, etc.
  • Mistakes they are Currently Doing that is stopping them to reaching the life they desire
  • Questions they want answers of

How You can Find About your Dream Customer?

There are many resources that can guide you & help you know about your customer. Here are some:

  • Facebook Groups: A group where your ideal customer hangs out. There people ask many questions in order to clear their doubts. Read these question and also answer them then n there. This will help you to build your brand.
  • Survey: Take Surveys in these groups to know directly from your Ideal Customer, their Challenges, Pain points & Desire.
  • Quora: This is a Go-To Site for many people when they want some answers.
  • Answer the Public: This a site from where you can find all the questions people are about a topic.
  • Amazon Books: People have written multiple best-seller books around the topic that you want to create your course or lead magnet upon. Check them on Amazon. This will help you to find about your
  • Multiple Platforms that host Courses: In sites like Udemy & Coursera there are many courses about your topic. Take insights from there about Mistakes & Questions people have.
  • Competitors: Buy products of your Competitors and Funnel hack their funnels. This will also give you insight about your customer and also how you could position your products. (This is what we are going to cover in next section: As How to do Competitor Research and why it will fasten your results.)

Still Confused about your Customer Avatar?

If you are still confused of who your ideal customer is & who will buy from you. Then, Look in the Mirror. You are most probably your own Ideal Customer especially when you are selling a course. Think about the time when you were struggling yourself. Focus on that feeling. Note down the questions you had, Fear & Objections your had of not succeeding, Statements you used to say to yourself, Beliefs you Had, etc. This way you will have everything that can help you in making attracting the right customer. Your Mess will become your Message.

Competitors Analysis

Competitors Analysis lies at the foundation of you building a Converting Lead Generation Funnel.

You must Know your Competitors to get inspirations from them & position your Lead Magnets in a Better Way. Doing this Analysis will help you throughout your journey. Right from Creating your own Positioning, Understanding your Customers Deeply, Building an Irresistible Offer, Creating Converting Funnels, Promoting your Products and any more.

You should focus on getting inspiration as well as model (not copy) what people are doing. If they are getting success using them, most often than not you should too.

By competitors I not only people who are in your same niche, but also influencers who your ideal customer follow and are doing same thing like yours. Plus the Videos, Courses, Posts that your customers follow and learn from.

What You Should Find About your Competitors?

While doing your Competitor Analysis, things you should keep a note of:

  • Track their Influence Building Channels and observe the Content Pieces they are posting on their Channels
    • YouTube
    • Blog
    • Linkedin
    • Instagram
    • Facebook Pages
  • Find their Facebook Groups
  • Find out the Lead Magnets they are providing to people
  • Search out their Landing Pages & Funnels so that you can get inspiration for your Sales Copy as well as for the Design
  • Find out their Webinars/Workshops Positioning & What they teach people.
  • Info about their Products & How they have created their own unique positioning and got more sales
  • Promotional Ads & Social Media Posts for Each of their Campaigns

These will help you throughout your journey.

Ways to Find your Competitors Details & Do your Analysis

Let’s now understand how you can find these details about your competitors, You can use the following methods for doing so:

  • Similar Sites: These tools will help you find similar sites to your website depending upon the content their producing
  • Keyword Research Tools: These tool help you to find keywords and content pieces people are writing to attract your ideal customer
  • Google Search: When you type in any of the keywords you will get top results & content pieces that are ranking on google. You need to do thorough research of them and find out all the above details.
  • Ad Library: You can find any ad that people are running
  • Amazon Books: It’s table of content will provide your Ideas for your Content & Courses
  • Social Media Accounts of Influencers: Using this you can find social media posts that are working right now and can help you get better results faster
  • Course Platforms: People 1000s of Rupees to buy these courses. You will get enormous amount of ideas for your own courses and lead magnets.

Use all the above methods and prepare a robust sheet that will help you throughout your journey.

CHAPTER – 2: Create a Good Valuable Lead Magnet

Goal: To help you create the a Great Valuable Lead Magnet which not only will help you to get your target audience contact details but also will nurture them and establish your authority. It will portray you as an expert who an audience TRUST and are ready to exchange their hard earned money for your coaching programs. 

We will cover the following topics in this Chapter: 

  • Lead Magnet Ideas to Attract 1000s Leads for your Business
  • Characteristics of a Good Lead Magnet
  • Results a Lead Magnet Can help people Achieve
  • Framework for Creation of a Valuable Lead Magnet

Lead Magnet Ideas to Attract 1000s of Leads for your Business

  1. Free Checklist: A Document doing heavy lifting for your audience and easily consumable. E.g Step-by-Step Actionable List to Conduct your 1st ever successful webinar
  2. Free Guide: A Detailed Guide that is helping people achieve a Specific Outcome (like this one). E.g  How To Guides: How to Launch a Successful Podcast & Toolkit Guides: 11+ Must have Online Tool for a Coach
  3. Free Consultation Call: People want solution to personal problem and wants to be heard. Connect with your potential on one-on-one basis & help them overcome their problem. Provide them customize Solution. This will build a Stronger Trust. 
  4. Free Webinar: Fastest way to establish yourself as an expert and build trust with your audience. Conduct a valuable webinar and at the end answer all their questions. After this, You could also pitch your products. 
  5. Free Mini-Course: This is the Mini Version of your detailed course covering the concepts in brief and overview of your detailed course. At the end you can sell your main course.
  6. Free Templates: It will help people reach their goals much faster. This template will act as baseline and will provide them the structure. People just need to customize them a bit. E.g: Free Follow-up Email Template to Increase your Conversion Rate (you will get this in the Chapter-4 of this guide)
  7. Free Trial: Provide Access to Initial Free modules of your detailed course for a limited amount of time. Most common in software industry but can work in coaching as well. 
  8. Free Coupon/Early Bird Discount/Waiting List: Collect emails in exchange for getting Discount Coupons for your Product. You can also add people to the waiting list. This is a best way to Pre-sell your Courses and get the initial number of clients for your business. 
  9. Free Chapter from your Book: Books are the best way to establish one’s authority. You can publish a detailed book. This will portray you as an expert in the industry and help you increase your reach and attract more clients. Give away the Free Chapter as a lead magnet to get people’s contact as well as to getting more people to start reading your book. 
  10. Industry Specific: Let’s look at the industry specific Free Lead Magnets that are very useful for the target audience
  • Healers: Free Audio File
  • Financial Advisors: Free Spreadsheet (Planner) – Spreadsheet with pre-loaded formulas helping people to make a decision
  • Marketer/Copywriter: Swipe Files/Scripts
  • Graphic Designers: Free Catalogue
  • B2B Space: Whitepapers/Industry Reports/Case Study
  • Subject Matter Experts: Free Quiz/Online Tests
  • Health & Fitness: Free Recipes

Characteristics of a good Lead Magnet

A Lead Magnet is Something really valuable which your target audience requires and it solves real problem your prospect has. 
Characteristics of this Lead Magnet are as follows: 

  • It should be as short and as valuable as possible and really specific
  • Don’t need to create long pdfs as many people won’t consume it completely unless it is well-written
  • Should be delivered right away so that it satisfies instant gratification of your audience
  • Lead Magnet should also deliver your expertise and help people know that you can solve help them solve their problem. 

Results a Lead Magnet Can help people Achieve

Your Coaching Career completely boils down to your ability of giving results to your target audience. Right from your Courses, Coaching, Consulting to Free Lead Magnets. Everything you do should have just one goal i.e to help people get the result they desire. 

In this journey there are 3 types of results possible: 

  • Ultimate Goal: A Big Result/Transformation which you can help your customer with. This is your ultimate goal which you want people to achieve. This you will full-fill through your membership program where people are associated with you and are learning from you year on year. 
  • Core Results: Results which together combines and helps to get the ultimate goal. These consists of the Mindset Transformations, Skillsets you need to master & Toolset you need to learn to grow your impact. Your courses should be directed to this case. 
  • Milestones: A significant and tangible result that one achieves with their action. This is where your Lead Magnet Comes In. These are Very Specific results that can be achieved from action plan, which your audience can take right now. The Milestones are the Small but Important Steps one need to take to achieve the Core Results. More Specific the Outcome & Faster the Result, Better is the Lead Magnet. 

For Example: One of my Lead Magnet is a Virtual Event/Webinar Checklist. For this

  • My Ultimate Goal: To Help Coaches Attract Abundance by creating Multiple Sources of Income
  • Core Result: To Help Coaches Master the Art of Virtual Events by giving value throughout the event and at the easily Persuade people to buy their Product
  • Milestones: To Set-up all the backend systems so that they can conduct their event Flawlessly. This is what my Checklist is about. It is a checklist which helps them set-up their systems easily so that they can focus on the webinar and the results they want audience to achieve.

Similarly you need to create a Lead Magnet for yourself.

Framework for the Creating the Best Lead Magnet

This Framework is mainly useful for Lead Magnets where you are helping people reach the results by giving them instructions through Videos like in Mini-Course or Training Series. The Structure is as follows:

  • Hook: Answer this question of “What’s in it for them” at the very starting of your Lead Magnet. This will catch the attention of your audience and increase their desire to want your product. 
  • How you learned or earned the thing which you are about to Teach: People won’t pay value to you unless they know how hard you have worked to bring this information to them. Thus, to make them value what you are teaching you must convey at the starting, in Form of a Story, as to how you got this information. 
  • Overall Strategy and Why they need to know about this: Explain the overall Strategy of your teaching. This will help people know the bigger picture and how this can help them achieving their desired result in longer run. 
  • Tactics – Step by Step Approach: Give people the step-by-step approach of doing the thing. This way you will handhold them and leave no chance of them failing. 
  • Practical Applications/Examples: Use examples throughout your explanation so that they know that what you are teaching actually has helped people in the past. 

This is a Framework that I learned from Russell Brunson and have added few elements of my own. This Framework will help you to build your influence and get people to take action.

CHAPTER – 3: Build your First Converting Lead Generation Funnel

Goal: To Have a Funnel in place from where you are able to generate consistent quality leads for your business

We are going to cover the following Topics in this Chapter: 

  • Strategy Behind a Converting Lead Generation Funnel
  • How to create a converting Landing Page Copy?
  • Lead Generation Funnel Creation & Set-up Process
Lead Generation Funnel
How typical Lead Generation Funnel looks like

Strategy Behind a Converting Lead Generation Funnel

Your Lead Generation Funnel has the following stages:

  1. Catch the Attention of your Target Audience through your Social Media Content, Search Engine Content & Paid Ads
  2. Offer them Super Valuable Free Lead Magnet that they can’t refuse on the Landing Page
  3. Get them to clickthrough the landing page and give you their contact details

After Collecting the Leads your work is to Nurture them, get them to TRUST you and get into your Sales Funnels promoting your products. 

Once you have Started Generating Leads, after that your work is to keep optimizing every stages of your Funnel and get in more and more qualified leads for your business.

How to Create a Converting Landing Page Copy?

The Objective your Landing Page is just One i.e to get people to give your contact details. Since this Lead Magnet is FREE, converting people doesn’t require much persuasion.

That is the reason in most cases (where the ticket size is low or medium) the Lead Generation page (also known as Squeeze Page) is Short.  

The Structure/Copywriting Formula you can use for your Lead Magnet Landing page is:


  • Attention: Message to pull your audience complete attention to your copy. This should be the work of your headline. 
  • Interest: Get them interested in you, your product and your copy by letting them know “What’s in it for them”. What benefit they will get from the Lead Magnet. 
  • Desire: Enhance their desire of wanting the lead magnet. This Can be done by Showcasing the Result they can achieve. 
  • Action: Ask them to do something to get the required benefit.

Depending on your Copy the Interest and Desire Section can be same or Different.

The Objective of this is to increase your conversion rate on the landing page and get more people into your Lead Funnel. 

Examples of Converting Lead Generation Pages

  1. Simple but Powerful Lead Capture Page created by Digital Deepak that has helped him to build the Largest Email list in INDIA (exact number I am unaware of but it is more than 5 Lakh)https://www.learndigitalmarketing.com/
  2. The Marketing Secrets Blackbook by Russell Brunson: https://funnelhackingsecrets.com/get-the-blackbook-free-1
  3. Free Facebook Ads & Funnel Training by Saurabh Bhatnagar: https://saurabhbhatnagar.com/fb-special/
  4. Sales Bootcamp Course by Rahul Bhatnagar: https://rahulbhatnagar.com/salesbootcamp/

You can take Inspiration from them in terms of designing as well as content, model them and create your own converting lead generation funnel. Plus the competitors analysis that you did in the Chapter 1, will also come in handy here. 

Lead Generation Funnel Creation & Set-up Process

Watch the below video and Create your own Lead Generation Funnel. This is a Step-by-Step Handholding Guide which you can go through and create your own converting lead generation funnel.

I am using a tool called FlexiFunnels. I highly recommend it for everyone who want to build sales and host their own courses online. It is a One Stop Solution for managing a Solid Business in the Online Space. (especially in INDIA as the foreign tools are expensive for us all)

CHAPTER – 4: Create your Follow-Up Sequence

Goal: When person enrolls in your program or opt-in for your lead magnet, the relationship doesn’t end there but it starts. In this chapter we are going to focus on how you can build long term relationship with your audience through emails that not only will help you to sell your products but will also add value in people’s life. 

In this chapter we are going to discuss about:

  • 5-Day Auto-Responder Sequence
  • Daily Email Sequence for Building Long-Term Relationship with your Audience

5-Day Autoresponder Sequence

When someone sign-up for your Lead Magnet, your next objective is to build relationship with them, make them trust you and also sell your product. You would want to introduce your product in the initial phase of your interaction as you would want to differentiate between the buyers and the leads.

Use the next 5-Days to tell them about your story, add value in their life by sharing your top learnings, Share your Videos, Podcasts & Posts, make them desire for your product and at the end sell your own or affiliate product. You can extend this into 10-15 days sequence as well. Entrepreneurs & Marketers like Russell Brunson have created 60-Day regular automated email sequence as well.

Here’s how the Structure of emails in these Autoresponder sequence that I like to follow after people signup for your lead magnet:

Welcome Email: Follow this structure to increase your open rate and also increasing the chances of your next emails landing in the box

  • Start with Catchy Headline and Welcome Them
  • Send your Free Lead Magnet
  • Ask them Why did they wanted this lead magnet? Which Problem they want to solve of theirs? (Objective is to get a reply from them in the very first email)

Day One

  • Start with your Story: Who you are, Where did you come from, What is your Goal, Why you are doing what you are doing, etc
  • Ask them to join your Facebook Group: To open another Channel for Communication
  • End by asking them a question: Maybe you could ask them to tell about themselves (like you did)

Day Two

  • Continue your Story and tell them about your mistakes & what you learned from them: Be vulnerable and express your true feeling
  • Share your Best Videos/Content Pieces with them from which they could benefit from (Not more than 3 videos)
  • In the post script, just mention a line or two about, why they should definitely read your next.

Day Three

  • Tell people about your Biggest Achievement till date and How you were able to do it. If not this you can also share Your Biggest Learning from a failure till date and why they should incorporate it in their life as well.
  • Relate this to your own/affiliate product: You can do this by relating your solution to this product. If you have your own product, explain the story as to how you came to the solution.
  • End the email by asking them to share their achievement and keep them engaged and excited for next email.

Day Four

  • Tell people about the product and how it will help them throughout their journey. Highlight all the benefits as well how others benefited from it.
  • Give a CTA at the end to get people to buy your product. And also ask to reach out to you if they have any doubt.
  • In the post script, direct them to any testimonial video or complement you would have got for your product. This will enhance trust of people on the product.

Day Five

  • Overcome the Top Most Fears and Objectives they might have of Using the Product. Use stories and examples to proof your point.
  • Give an Urgency hook to Act Now
  • Give a Final CTA at the end

You can continue this sequence by solving people’s fear and objection about the product through your stories. Just don’t forget to keep providing them continuous value.

Feel Free to Customize them after the 1st email based upon your understanding and content. Kindly use the 1st email structure as informed here as it will help you in increasing your inbox rate (i.e email landing in your inbox).

This is very important for doing good email marketing.

Daily Broadcasting Email Sequence

After the 5-Day Autoresponder Sequence ends you wouldn’t want to end sending emails there, but carry forward this Trust that people have build on you and nurture and help them more. There will be some people who will convert from the auto-responder sequence, but most will not.

So as an entrepreneur you need to continue adding value in people’s life so that later when they build more TRUST on you, they can buy your product. This will also help you sell more of your own products or affiliate products to your audience, thus increasing the Lifetime value of them. 

Once the Autoresponder Sequence ends, start sending these people broadcasting emails in regular intervals (frequency you decide based on what is comfortable for you). 

But you would have a question as to what should you send them regularly that they stay hooked to you and actually wait for listening to you.  

Below are some ideas which you should give a try and send regular emails on those things:

  • Ideas for Growth
  • Inspirational Videos & Stories
  • Enlightening/Thought Provoking Emails
  • Challenge people’s Existing Beliefs
  • FAQs
  • Q&A
  • How To
  • Checklists
  • Controversial Email/Opiniated Emails
  • Story Based Educational Training
  • What Happened Today?
  • Promote different affiliate products or your own with Catchy Hooks (Follow the Pattern of Value, Value, Value, Right Hook)

The Idea for this sequence is to build stronger bond between you and your audience. So for this educational content is not enough. You need to be personal with them. Showcase your personality to them.

Remember “Log logo se connect hote hain, Logo se ni”

Show your human side to them. Share Stories of your Failures, Success, Learnings, Day-to-Day Works, etc and soon you will a solid relationship with them which will sooner or later turn into more business for you.

CHAPTER – 5: Launch & Drive Traffic to your Lead Generation Funnel

Now everything is set-up and ready. Next Step to it Launch the Funnel and Continuously Drive Traffic to it.

There are various organic and paid methods of doing it. But in this chapter, we won’t be going in depth of them. As frankly this is not possible to cover in an article. People have written books, Created multiple in-depth 20+ hours of courses only on Traffic.

But here I want to bring your importance to much more important concepts and principles that will help you to understand the mindset of people on various platforms as well as how you can generate traffic from any source.

In this chapter we are going to discuss about: EveryGreen Strategy of Driving Traffic to your Funnels and Generating Leads & Sales for your Business

Let’s start this chapter.

EverGreen Strategy of Driving Traffic to your Lead Generation Funnel

It is really important to understand evergreen strategy for driving traffic because New Platforms emerge daily. Few years back no one would have thought how big Instagram would become. And few years from now we don’t know what new platform will emerge that can change the overall dynamics of business.

You may master one platform but when more people start joining in, the cost of running ads plus things working is not a surety. What’s working now could not work and Suddenly your business that was once thriving, suddenly can vanish due of lack of visitors.

Thus you can’t depend of on any platform for growth of your business. You must learn to leverage all or any other platform that arises in future. This chapter will help you in doing so.

This evergreen strategy that I will sharing with you, I have learnt this from Russell Brunson’s Book Traffic Secrets.

You have already taken a very important step of building your own email list which is the core for Growth. Let’s now move to the other parts of Traffic Generation.

This evergreen traffic generation strategy can be divided into three parts.

Let’s cover them one by one.

Understanding the Mindset of People on Major Online Platforms along with That of Company

Be it any platform the very first step, you must understand what is the mindset of people on these platform and what is the objective of the Company who built it.

Like Facebooks main objective is to connect people, Google is to give best result possible to the audience, Instagram is to Boost the Creator Economy, LinkedIn wants to bring professionals together, etc.

One thing is common among all is that they want users to spend maximum time on their platform.

After you understand the objective, you need to align your content with respect to the platforms objective and do your best to make people stick to the platform.

Knowing Customer Psychology on these platforms are more important than the company. Because whatever people will like the company and algorithm will react to it.

Like When people are using Google & YouTube (Search Engines), they are actively looking for a solution. So if your product solves a problem that people are actively searching for, you must advertise on these search engines and also do SEO for getting the best results.

And In Social Media Sites like Instagram, Facebook, people want to go away from their work and get snackable content for Fun and even for learning. But here they are not actively looking for your solution. So if your product is something that solves a problem but are not looking for that solution online, then you need to use these platforms for getting your customers.

Like a Fitness Tracker Ring. Rarely people go online and search for this. So you need to come to people with your ads and posts and make people aware of this product and how it will benefit them in longer run.

Understanding the Psychology will help you to get more eyeballs for your business at less cost.

Similarly when any new Platform emerges understand these two things and then move forward.

Know where your Customer is Residing

Most people are present on these major platforms. But that’s not enough.

You need to exactly know where you Ideal Customer is Residing. These are the Groups in which they are hanging out, Influencers they are following, YouTube Channels & Podcasts they are listening to, etc.

You have already done this in your Competitors Research & Customer Analysis Section. That Analysis will come in Handy Now.

Creating Hooks to Get People Interested in You

Once you have found where your Customer is, you have two options here:

  • Work your Way In: It means you are using organic methods to attract them
  • Buy your Way In: You are buying paid ads to get your offer in front of these people

Be it any case. You need to create content & posts that get these people hooked in and they crave more from YOU.

For organic methods, since algorithms of platforms keep changing from time to time. You need to be on top of your game and produce content that working right now.

You can leverage what is working now my following the influencers and modelling their content.

Influencers have in the game from a long time and have master the craft what we are trying to do now. They most probably know what’s working. So why not model them.

See their engagement rate and the posts that gets maximum reach, create content similar to it, in the same format. This will increase the chances of your posts performing better.

And For Paid Methods, you can run ads on the channels of these influencers by creating a powerful title and video and persuade them to take the desired action.

As discussed earlier, Focus on converting Traffic that you earn & that you Pay for to Traffic that you Own.

Knowing these Influencers will also help you in longer term. You can even interview them on your Channel and Podcasts. This way you will be able to Tap into their audience easily and build a strong bond with these Influencers.

Now you know the Steps you need to follow to get consistent traffic to your funnel from any source. Follow them and generate tons of traffic for your Business.


Now you have the Ultimate System with you that can help you generate tons of Leads for you Business.

So don’t just leave here and get back to your work. Reread this post, if need be and Build your own Converting Lead Generation Funnel and System and start attracting quality Leads for your Business.

Tell me in the Comments what was your most important learning from this post. Also, If you have any questions feel free to ask it in the comments. I will try my best to help you out.

Take this Complete Hanholding Course with You Build & Launch your First Converting Lead Generation Funnel

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