Launch Jacking Guide

The Beginners Guide to Launch Jacking: How to Profit as an Affiliate in 2023

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Imagine a world where your online marketing efforts not only bring you commissions but also leave your audience clamoring for more. In the ever-evolving realm of affiliate marketing, such a world exists, and it’s called Launch Jacking.

In the digital landscape, where competition is fierce and attention spans are fleeting, Launch Jacking has emerged as a dynamic strategy that not only sets you apart but propels you to the forefront of affiliate marketing success.

Welcome to this comprehensive guide, where we’ll unravel the secrets of Launch Jacking and arm you with the knowledge and tactics needed to make it rain with affiliate commissions.

By the time you navigate through this page, you’ll not only understand the nuts and bolts of Launch Jacking but also be equipped to turn product launches into your personal goldmine.

So, fasten your seatbelt as we dive into the exhilarating world of Launch Jacking.

What is Launch Jacking?

Launch Jacking is a sizzling hot affiliate marketing strategy where you seize the momentum of a product launch to promote it and earn commissions.

It’s like catching a ride on a rocket ship, harnessing the buzz around a new product, and turning it into cold, hard cash.

How does Launch Jacking Work?

Imagine a new product is about to hit the market. The excitement is building, and potential buyers are eagerly searching for information and reviews.

Here’s where the Launch Jacking magician enters.

You create content – reviews, videos, blog posts – about the upcoming product, optimizing it for search engines and attracting the hungry crowd. When they click your affiliate links and make purchases, you earn commissions.

Is Launch Jacking Profitable?

The million-dollar question: Can you really make money with Launch Jacking? The short answer is yes.

The potential for profits is substantial, but it’s not a guaranteed goldmine. Success depends on various factors like your strategy, the product, and your marketing skills.

However, when done right, Launch Jacking can be incredibly lucrative.

Pros and Cons of Launch Jacking


  • Perfect for Newbies to get their first Sale
  • Ability to Stand Out and Set yourself as an Authority
  • Potential to Make Big Commission in a Short Period of Time
  • Opportunity to Get more Search Traffic due to buzz created by the product
  • Opportunity to Work Closely with Product Owner


  • Risk of Promoting a Low-Quality Product
  • Difficult to Sustain for a Longer Term as you need to keep researching and writing content for the following newer product
  • Short Window of Opportunity
  • Limited Information about the Product
  • Possibility of Many Product Returns

How to Find Products for Launch Jacking?


MunchEye is the treasure chest of upcoming product launches in the internet marketing space. It provides valuable information about product launches, including launch dates, product creators, and affiliate program details. Keep a close eye on MunchEye to spot potential gems.

JVZoo Notifications

JVZoo is an affiliate network where many digital products are launched. Sign up for notifications, and you’ll receive updates about upcoming launches directly in your inbox. It’s a goldmine for Launch Jackers.

Follow Product Creators

Many product creators have a history of successful launches. Follow them on social media, subscribe to their newsletters, and you’ll be among the first to know about their new releases.

Affiliate Marketplaces

Marketplaces like ClickBank and WarriorPlus are filled with products to promote. Browse through categories, find products with upcoming launches, and dive in.

It is important to carefully research and assess the potential of a product before promoting it, to ensure that it is likely to be well-received by consumers and generate sales.

5 Best Strategies for Making Money with Launch Jacking

So, you’ve got your sights set on Launch Jacking success, but how do you make sure you’re not just riding the wave but riding it all the way to the bank?

In this section, we’ll delve deep into the 5 most effective strategies to maximize your earnings and establish yourself as a Launch Jacking maestro.

Create a Review & Demo Video

Video content reigns supreme in the digital age, and it’s a Launch Jacking game-changer. Craft a compelling review and demo video for the product you’re promoting.

In this video, you have the opportunity to visually showcase the product’s features, benefits, and how it addresses your audience’s pain points.

The key here is not just to provide information but to create an emotional connection with your viewers.

Engage them, excite them, and lead them to that all-important affiliate link.

Create a Review BlogPost

While the video is potent, the written word remains a formidable force.

Create a detailed review blog post that complements your video content.

Dive deep into the product’s advantages and disadvantages. Share your personal experiences, if applicable, and provide real-world examples of how the product can benefit your audience.

Make your blog post informative, engaging, and packed with valuable insights that leave readers eager to click your affiliate links.

Offer Exclusive Bonuses

Want to give your Launch Jacking efforts an edge?

Offer exclusive bonuses to those who purchase through your affiliate links. These bonuses should complement the product you’re promoting and add extra value.

It could be an e-book, a checklist, a video tutorial, or any other digital asset that enhances the overall package.

Exclusive bonuses not only incentivize purchases but also differentiate you from other affiliates, making your offer more appealing.

Learn: Differentiate or Disappear: How to 10X Your Affiliate Sales in a Crowded Market

Email Blast

Building an email list is only half the battle; the other half is effectively leveraging it.

Send out targeted email blasts leading up to and during the product launch.

Craft persuasive email copy that highlights the product’s benefits and your exclusive bonuses. Use a compelling subject line to entice recipients to open the email.

Remember, email marketing allows you to nurture relationships with your subscribers, making them more likely to trust your recommendations and convert into buyers.

Webinars and Live Events

Consider hosting webinars or live events related to the product launch.

These interactive sessions allow you to connect with your audience in real time, answer their questions, and provide in-depth insights into the product.

Webinars can create a sense of community and urgency, driving conversions. Be sure to promote these events well in advance to maximize attendance.

Learn: How to Conduct your First Ever Live Virtual Event Successfully Without any Hassle in 2022 [Before-During-After Event Checklist Included]

Common Mistakes Done During Launches

While Launch Jacking can be lucrative, it’s not without its pitfalls. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

  • Neglecting Research: Failing to research the product thoroughly can lead to promoting duds. Know your product inside out.
  • Overhyping: While enthusiasm is good, overhyping a product can backfire, eroding trust with your audience.
  • Ignoring Email Marketing: Email marketing is a potent tool. Neglecting it means missing out on potential sales.
  • Choosing Low-Quality Products: Promoting subpar products damages your credibility and long-term earning potential.

7 Best Launch Jacking Tips to Become Widely Profitable

Are you ready to take your Launch Jacking game to the next level? In this section, we’ll unveil seven invaluable tips that will not only boost your profitability but also solidify your position.

Do a Thorough Research First

Research is the bedrock of successful Launch Jacking. Before you even think about promoting a product, dive deep into research.

Understand the product inside out, including its features, benefits, and potential drawbacks. Know your target audience and what problems the product solves for them.

This knowledge will be your guiding light, enabling you to craft compelling content and marketing strategies that resonate with your audience.

Also, this will help you know whether the product is worth the effort or not.

Build Hype about the Product

One of the keys to successful Launch Jacking is building anticipation and excitement around the product launch.

Use every available platform, from your blog to social media, to create a buzz. Tease your audience with sneak peeks, product highlights, and teasers. Craft engaging and shareable content that piques curiosity.

The goal is to make your audience eagerly anticipate the product’s release and turn that excitement into clicks on your affiliate links.

Create Urgency

People tend to act when they feel a time constraint. Leverage this psychological trigger by incorporating limited-time offers, countdown timers, and scarcity tactics into your promotions.

Make it clear that the special deal or bonus you’re offering is available for a limited time only. This can significantly boost conversion rates.

Don’t create a Domain Name around the Product

While it may be tempting to create a domain name specific to the product you’re promoting, it’s often wiser to maintain a more general and versatile domain.

This strategy allows you to pivot to new launches without the need for constant domain changes.

Your website or blog should be a platform that can adapt to various niches and products, providing long-term sustainability to your affiliate marketing efforts.

Also, most companies and product owners won’t pay you, if you use their product name in your domain.

Be Authentic

Authenticity is a cornerstone of successful Launch Jacking.

Be transparent and honest in your promotions. Share your genuine thoughts and experiences with the product.

Authenticity builds trust with your audience, and trust is the currency of affiliate marketing.

If you’re genuinely excited about a product, your enthusiasm will shine through in your content, making it more persuasive.

Answer the Question: Why Should People Buy from You?

In a sea of affiliate marketers, you need to stand out.

Answer the fundamental question: Why should people buy from you? What sets you apart? Maybe it’s your in-depth product knowledge, your engaging content, or your unique bonuses.

Identify your unique selling proposition (USP) and make it a focal point of your promotions.

When people see the value you offer, they’ll be more inclined to choose you as their trusted affiliate.

No Need for Product to be Newly Launched: Set up your own Marketing Campaign

Launch Jacking doesn’t always have to revolve around newly launched products.

You can create your own marketing campaign around existing products that are relevant to your audience.

By crafting compelling content and promotions, you can tap into ongoing demand and generate commissions even without the frenzy of a new launch.

You can do this every once in a while to rile up your audience, offering them exclusive bonuses and strategies in exchange for the purchase.

This approach adds flexibility to your affiliate marketing strategy and allows you to create larger windfalls of commissions in short periods of time.


And there you have it, the ultimate guide to Launch Jacking for beginners in 2023.

It’s an exhilarating affiliate marketing strategy with the potential for substantial profits, but it’s not a walk in the park.

Armed with the knowledge of what Launch Jacking is, how it works, and the best strategies to succeed, you’re now equipped to embark on your Launch Jacking journey.

Remember, success in Launch Jacking requires dedication, research, and an unwavering commitment to providing value to your audience.

So, go ahead, seize those product launches, ride the waves of excitement, and turn your affiliate marketing dreams into a reality.

The launch pad is ready – are you?

Affiliate Marketing Challenge

Want to Become a Part of this Affiliate Marketing Game and start your earnings (while learning) online?

Join the 72-Hour Freedom Challenge by Jonathan Montoya (who himself is a 7-figure Affiliatepreneur).

72-Hour Freedom Challenge

This Challenge will help you to make money and Quit your 9-5 Job. It will take on the Step-by-Step Journey and hold your hand to build a long-term sustainable Affiliate Marketing Business.

You can clone his FREE WhiteLabel Course that will help you to promote 15+ Affiliate Products.

He has helped 31000+ People generate their First Paycheck online & quit their 9-5 Jobs. In this 3-day you will be able to build your Foundation for that business and get going.

Leave your Soul Sucking 9-5 job and Create Multiple Streams of Income

(Affiliate Disclaimer: Some of the external links are affiliate links which means when you click on them and buy the product, I will get a small commission at no extra cost to you)

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