Honest FlexiFunnels Review from Abundance Ankit

Honest FlexiFunnels Review: Know it All from a 1+ Year Beta User of the Tool | Get Bonuses Worth ₹89,995 From My Side

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Real FlexiFunnels Review by Beta User (Using tool for 1+ Years)
FlexiFunnels Review


  • Host your Websites, Sales Pages & Courses all in one Place
  • Has Advance Funnel Logics present which helps you to grow your revenue using the power of Upsells, Downsells & Bump Offers, and improves customer loyalty
  • Protect your Paid Courses from getting Pirated
  • Advanced Page Analytics are present helping you make informed decisions about What’s working best for you
  • No need to use Advanced Integration Tools like Zapier. You would be able to do most of these integrations using FlexiFunnels
  • Get Failed Payment/Cart Abandon Data which will help you to boost your revenue


  • You can’t send Automated Email Sequence from the Tool itself like present in ClickFunnels. You would need to buy paid version of other autoresponders for doing the same.
  • Non-Availability of 24*7 Chat Support. They have Live Chat Support Mon-Sat from 9-10 pm & Sun from 9-6 pm.
  • 1% Transaction Fee on all the Transaction. But when compared with other funnel builders this is very Cheap.

After Using the FlexiFunnels which is INDIA’s First Funnel Builder for Over a Year, I can say that it’s truly worth your investment as it’s a robust tool that not only will help you to Boost your revenue, but also will help you to Save a Ton that otherwise you would have required while using other expensive tools in the market.

I won’t say it’s a one-stop solution for all your needs as necessities vary from business to business.

As for myself, I like to write blog posts and content frequently. It helps me to communicate better with my audience. So although I can host the complete website in FlexiFunnels, I won’t do that as I feel for blogging WordPress is best because of its ease of use, hence will continue doing it.

Plus you will also need to invest separately in Autoresponders like Convertkit, Active Campaign, Aweber, etc for sending automated email sequences when someone joins in.

But as far as the Creation of Sales Pages & Hosting my courses are concerned, I’ll definitely go with FlexiFunnels because of its ease of use in this criteria, affordability, as well as all the advanced features it has like Funnel Logics, Analytics Report, Piracy Protection, Advanced Integration, etc as it helps me to Save a lot of money from using other expensive tools.

Thus I am delighted after using FlexiFunnels for over 1 year now and will recommend you in doing so as well.
Read the Complete FlexiFunnels Review and make your wise decision of buying the product.

Most Detailed Real FlexiFunnels Review: India’s FIRST-EVER Funnel Builder Software

I have been using FlexiFunnels for over 1+ year now as a beta user and will be giving my honest detailed review from my own experience.

This will be a long review since I have tried to include almost everything you would require to make an informed buying decision. But anytime you feel you are ready to Buy, just click on any of the Yellow Buttons and you will be able to buy FlexiFunnels with ease.

Although I am an affiliate of this product that means that I would receive a small commission from the product owner when you buy it using my affiliate link. But it will be of no extra cost to you. Plus stay assured that this Flexifunnels review is based completely on my own experience and the results other beta users have gotten with help of this product. I have written this to help you make an informed buying decision.

Let’s begin and see how FlexiFunnels will help you in your growth.

Essential Details about FlexiFunnels That you Should Know Of

What is FlexiFunnels?

If you are reading this review most probably you already know what FlexiFunnels is. But to leave no stone unturned let me tell you that, FlexiFunnels is India’s First-Ever Funnel Building Software which lets you build Websites, create Funnels & Host your Courses all in one place without worrying too much about technicalities or hiring a tech team.

Using this tool and your expertise, you will be able to Launch, Grow & Scale your Business.

Who is the Founder of FlexiFunnels?

FlexiFunnels has been founded by a Famous Funnel Expert from India, Saurabh Bhatnagar. He helps individuals & businesses scale their revenue using Online Marketing by helping them get more Clients/Customers.

He is the founder of multiple SAAS Businesses and is in the online space for over 10+ years starting way back in 2012. He has scaled multiple businesses and exactly knows what it takes it Start, Grow & Scale Online Businesses.

With all his years of experience and the know-how of business, he has created FlexiFunnels which is India’s First-Ever Funnel Builder to help entrepreneurs build a solid business, the way they want.

For the people who will get FlexiFunnnels, he has added a lot of Training that can help even a total newbie become an Online Expert & Start making huge profits Online.

Training is included for Traffic, Marketing, Copywriting, Course creation, Course marketing, Lead Generation, Email Marketing, Social Media/Digital Marketing Agency & more.

He has tried to leave No Stone unturned to make a business successful.

Who is FlexiFunnels Ideal For?

FlexiFunnels is ideal for anyone and everyone who wants to earn by selling their products or services and grow their profits online right from a total newbie to an expert.

Local businesses, Coaches, Consultants, Network Marketers, Affiliates, Digital Product Creators, E-commerce, Authors, Entrepreneurs, Digital Marketers, Freelancers, and anyone who wants to sell something (own or other’s products) and scale their business need FlexiFunnels.

If you are a pure content creator and influencer only on social media and have nothing to sell, then I would say you don’t need or require FlexiFunnels.

Main Features of FlexiFunnels

Key Features of FlexiFunnels

  • Simple Drag & Drop Feature

    Create Websites, Landing Pages & Funnels without coding. Also, you will be getting 300+ “Ready-To-Use” Funnel & Landing Page Templates for Sales, Optin, Webinar Registrations, B2B, Service Industry, Upsell, Downsell & many more.
  • Advanced CDN Hosting

    Superfast Hosting helps you to open your pages in a flash, so your visitors don’t drop off.
  • High-Converting Checkout Pages

    You can do one-click Indian & International payment gateway integration to increase your sales & conversions.
  • Piracy Protected Course Builder

    You Can Host & Sell your courses inside FlexiFunnels with OTT-level PIRACY PROTECTION for videos. Plus you will be able to deliver the access automatically after someone makes the purchase.
  • Advanced Funnel Logics

    You can Create advanced sales funnels with multiple upsell, and down-sell logics inside FlexiFunnels. Plus use Revenue-boosting features like Bump Offers, Coupons, Countdown Timers, Pop-Ups, Automatic upselling of courses, Callable links for Phones, Whatsapp & more to maximize your profits.
  • Integrations

    One-click integration with multiple email autoresponders and webinar platforms so you can run your online business on automation.
  • Advanced Analytics

    This shows your sales & checkout page conversion stats so you can improve your page conversions & run marketing split tests for multiple time periods. Plus you get a detailed Reporting Dashboard that shows your Leads, Sales & Failed Payments Data.
Continue Reading and Know How you will benefit from each Feature and How it is going to help you to Convert your Visitors into Leads and then Customers. Using FlexiFunnels you will be able to Turn your Knowledge, Interest & Expertise into Your Own Courses, Products, Services, or Affiliate Products and Build your Dream Business Online…Without Having to Hire or Rely on a Tech Team with help of Simple Effortless Setup!!

Benefits of using FlexiFunnels (Pros)

Earlier in the top section of this blog post, you would have found a few pros of FlexiFunnel. But in this section, my effort is to highlight all the biggest benefits that you will get once you start using FlexiFunnels.

This will help you to know the actual power of using this tool and how it will help you grow in various segments of your business.

I have divided these Benefits into four sections. All these are based on my understanding. These are:

  • Key Pointers: These are the essential benefits that Funnel Builders like FlexiFunnels are made for. You will find these in other funnel builders as well. But the team has gone a step up in each of them as well. Will let you know when covering that point.
  • The Game Changers: These Features are for me the Game Changers for the entire Industry and a Major Unique Selling Proposition for FlexiFunnels. Will let you know about their impact on your business in that specific section.
  • Cherries on the TOP: These are add-on benefits given by the FlexiFunnels Team to make sure that every customer of theirs achieves Success in their Journey. They have made this effort so that no one is left behind. That’s what I like about Saurabh Bhatnagar [Founder of FlexiFunnels]. He over-delivers and gives us more than we have paid for. Been learning from him for a long and he puts this effort into every product and FlexiFunnels is no different.
  • Other Highlights: These are other features that they provide to their customers. This showcases their desire to serve us all in the most effective manner they can. I have included this so that you get the overall picture of using this Tool.

Key Pointers

Drag & Drop Landing Page Builder & Accelerated Page Delivery

FlexiFunnels allows everyone from any background [Marketers, Entrepreneurs, Students, Job Holders, etc] to create landing pages & sales pages online with simple drag-and-drop ease.

You can create any kind of page starting from Lead generation, Webinar Registration, Sales Pages, Affiliate Income Pages, Local Business Pages, and any page you can think of that helps you to get leads and sales for your business.

I myself have created Multiple Pages in a single day.

One of my Pages, being an affiliate of FlexiFunnels

I am not good at designing as well. But they have provided 300+ ready-to-use Website Pages & Design Blocks which makes my job a lot easier. I just need to add my content, do small changes & DONE, my conversion-optimized pages are live.

For Non-Designers like me, they have created built-in Blocks & Pages which doesn’t require much customization

And if you love designing, then you will be able to customize almost every element of the page according to your choice. Such is the option they have given to each category of people.

When you will use high-quality pages with so many graphics, you might have a doubt that the page will get heavy resulting in slow loading which results in loss of people.

But FlexiFunnels have tackled this as well using the Fastest Hosting possible. The pages load at a very good speed and you won’t be losing any Traffic, thus revenue for your business.

All the pages that I have created using FlexiFunnels load in about a second. They provide accelerated page delivery.

FlexiFunnels has also provided more than what other funnel builders have given us. See the Comparisons below.

FlexiFunnels Comparison to Other Funnel Builders

Such strong benefits and a feature-rich tool, have provided us. That’s why I am recommending this software after using it for myself for over a year.

Funnel Builder & Advanced Funnel Logics

When you speak about Online Marketing in any niche, you know how bigger the impact of Funnels is on everyone’s business.

It is basically [for example] the difference between a person making 10 Lakhs by selling his product normally and making 1Cr by selling his product through Conversion Optimized Funnels with the use of various Upsells, Downsells, Cross-Sells & BumpOffers.

With help of Advance Funnel Logics that FlexiFunnels has provided us, we can create any kind of logic with multiple pricing options to sell multiple bundles of products.

As you can see from the above pic, you can create a similar funnel for your product with multiple upsells and downsells. Here’s the impact Saurabh Bhatnagar was able to bring for selling one of his products [Marketpresso] using this:

Revenue Generated Due to Upsells

Revenue Generated Due to Downsells

When you combine this logic of Upsells and Downsells with Multiple Pricing Options, that brings in more money without putting in any extra effort.

Such high is the impact of using this Advanced Funnel Logic on a particular business. This is what FlexiFunnels has brought to the table.

Earlier this facility was available mainly in JvZoo only. But they used to charge 5% of your revenue generated.

So why pay it when everything can be yours using Flexifunnels, by giving just a one-time fee for an entire year?

In Built Fully Secure Course & Membership Area

As a Course Creator, one can use FlexiFunnels to host all their courses on the same platform. They no longer need to buy separate platforms like Teachable, Thinkific, Podia, etc for this purpose.

ClickFunnels also has this option. But FlexiFunnels have gone a step up as well.

You might be knowing that sometimes people copy your courses using screen recording & various other methods. After they sell the courses at a lower price. This not only ruins your brand name but also limits you to sell your courses at Scale. This is a huge problem in this industry.

Thus to tackle it, the team has given OTT Level Piracy Security. Plus when someone buys your course, their name and email will hover over the video automatically. As a result, people won’t be able to screen-record it. [Present on Paid Courses]

Also, they have added a security level on the videos which disables the default setting of the platform on which your videos would be present.

Like after creating your courses you would have hosted them on YouTube or Vimeo and would have made them private or unlisted. Then by default when you upload the link of the video on this course area, you would have seen the link for that platform at the corner of the video.

Here’s an example

This way what most people would do instead of watching it on the same platform, they would redirect themselves to the original area of YouTube. And from there as you know it becomes very easy to either get distracted or to copy your original content.

Thus to tackle this the FlexiFunnels team has added an extra layer on top, which disables this passway automatically. So people will see that but they won’t be able to click through it.

This will help you in protecting your FREE Courses as well. Such is the commitment level of FlexiFunnels for the security of your courses.

Inside the Membership area you will be able to do the following things easily:

  • Host Multiple Courses Inside One Membership
  • Create different Bundles of your Courses
  • Use Drip Feeding Facility to give access to the modules one by one. Resulting in a better completion rate. Plus if you have given a free trial version, then people won’t be able to see all the videos and later cancel their subscription.
  • Once someone buys your course, they will automatically receive access to the course on the Thanku page as well as by email. You don’t need to put in extra effort to do the same. Plus the support ticket raised due to this case will also be decreased

All these and more features have been provided by the FlexiFunnels Team.

For Me: The Game Changers

Advanced Integrations

This is a particular feature that I was really looking forward to. When I was working with an Agency and used to create Funnels & Marketing strategies for businesses, Set-up the Systems and Run the Ads and all.

One thing I was seeing that in order to get results every piece must fit in right. All the tools and systems should work together. Then only one would be able to achieve success.

For this purpose, we are using a tool called Zapier which was used to do integrations between these tools and to pass on data from one software to the other. It was a must-do as then only the customer experience would be awesome.

For example, when we were doing a Webinar. Then we had to establish the integrations using Zapier, such that when someone registers on the landing page, their data is passed on to the email software [so that automation gets active] and then to Zoom or Webinar doing Platform [so that automated reminders along with a link of the webinar is sent].

After that to SMS Software so that we can send the reminders through it. And if the webinar is a paid one then the integration would start from payment gateways like Razorpay or Instamojo.

This was all done to bring people to the webinar.

But when you sell your products, then this same process used to repeat for all the packages that you would give after the webinar. All these were a must for a good customer experience.

But it also used to cause 100 to 1000 dollars [based on the no of integrations done]. This was an add-on cost that one would need to bear.

But not anymore. All these things are now possible with FlexiFunnels.

Integrations with these platforms are all possible through FlexiFunnels and we no longer need Zapier for this purpose.

That’s why I said it was a game-changer for me. Because FlexiFunnels not only will help me to make more money through Sales Pages & Memberships. But also Save Money from these additional costs.

The deal gets much sweeter, which we will discuss in the next section of Advanced Analytics.

Advanced Analytics & Reporting

You know in business a slight improvement in any data that is in our favor can have a huge impact on our business.

Here’s an example.

Suppose you created a Product with 1 single Upsell on the next page. You created a sales page for the main product and the Upsell as well. The main product is priced at a nominal 5k & Upsell is priced at 20k.

You drive traffic to the main product. You got 1000 people to come and see the page. Only 10% of them converted through your copy on the landing page [100 people got your main product]. And after that only 5% of them convert to your Upsell [5 people bought your Upsell].

All these brought in, 5k*100= 5 Lakh [Main Product] & 20k*5= 1 Lakh [Upsell]. Total of 6 Lakh in your account.

In a similar situation, everything same, you just increased your conversion on the Main product & Upsell by just another 5% [in both].

Now the Total Revenue you generated was 5k*150 = 7 lakhs 50 Thousand & 20k*15= 3 Lakh. Total of 10 Lakh 50 Thousand.

An increase of about 4 lakh 50 thousand in your revenue with just a slight improvement in the conversion. Now imagine what if you added more upsells and downsells and then keep improving the percentage by just 1%. How massive the impact is.

Or you brought in more people into your front-end offer suppose 5k. Then how much more revenue you will be able to generate on a yearly basis?

This is the impact of having conversion-optimized Funnels.

And this improvement is only possible when you exactly know how your pages are performing. For this purpose, you would need to measure conversion metrics on your landing page.

This is the first-time Funnel Builder like FlexiFunnels has brought in this ability. Other builders have this but it is very nominal. But here advanced data analysis is present.

You will be able to track all these things using these advanced analytics.

Not only tracking all these data points and metrics, but FlexiFunnels has also provided you with more features like:

  • Detailed Reporting Dashboard giving you the number of Leads & Sales generated
  • Segmented Customer Data
  • Failed payment and Cart Abandon Data which is a huge revenue booster as you will be able to reach out to them and sell your product.
  • Automatic Cart Abandon Recovery Emails

This Advanced Analytics and Reporting Dashboard is your ultimate underground weapon to help you scale your online business rapidly.

Cherries on the TOP

Mentoring By Saurabh Bhatnagar

With all the above benefits and features listed above, you already would have known How big the impact of FlexiFunnels could bring to your life and business.

But as I said they overdeliver.

So the tool is of no use Unless you apply it correctly. They have got you covered here as well.

You will get mentoring from Saurabh Bhatnagar and Team for as long as you are associated with the tool.

He has added a lot of training that can convert a total newbie to become an online expert and gain huge profits. Training is included for every marketing segment of business:

  • Traffic Generation
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Course Creation & Marketing
  • Lead Generation
Direct Mentoring from Saurabh Bhatnagar

As a Special Bonus, he is providing all this training that has created thousands of success stories one after the other, over the years. You are getting all of it included in the special launch.

And you have the doubt-solving sessions (Biweekly Q&A Sessions) & group support from the existing community as well, to fasten your growth.

Plus, if you face any difficulty in understanding FlexiFunnels & implementing it. They have detailed Flexifunnels tutorials that will guide you step-by-step throughout your journey.

Automatic Affiliate

When you buy FlexiFunnels, you will automatically become an affiliate for the tool which will become your passive source of income.

As long as the other person uses this product you will get recurring commissions in your bank account.

Other than promoting FlexiFunnels for generating commissions, you will also be able to do it without doing anything.

You just have to enable a small “Made with FlexiFunnels” badge on all of your sales pages [optional: you can disable it too].

When anyone clicks on the badge & takes up a FlexiFunnels subscription, they get paid for it every single month or year depending on the subscription they take.

It’s a great passive source of money-making opportunities that comes with FlexiFunnels.

The Automatic Flexifunnels Affiliate Program Commission details are as follows:

  • Badge Commission: 20%
  • Affiliate Commission for Normal Customers: 25%
  • Affiliate Commission percentage change for normal customers:
    • 30% after 10 Sales
    • 35% after 20 Sales
    • 40% after 30 Sales

Other Important FlexiFunnels Features

These are additional features of Flexifunnels that empower you.

Instant Customer Support

At any stage you feel stuck while creating pages, using the product, doing the integrations, or anything. The team will provide you with instant support (within a minute or two) with whatever you require.

That’s a commitment you will get from the Team.

Just a small fallback, You won’t get 24*7 Instant Customer Support. You will be getting it from Monday-Saturday (9 am-10 pm IST) & Sunday (9 am-6 pm IST).

High-Converting Checkout Pages

You can create your own high-converting checkout pages in FlexiFunnels for collecting payments. It means no longer you have to use the dull & boring checkout pages of the payment gateways that are not at all conversion friendly.

FlexiFunnels checkout page has great advantages like:

  • add your testimonials
  • bullets
  • final reminders
  • value stacking
  • last minute scarcity
  • coupon code
  • trusted payment seal
  • and basically, anything that helps you in increasing your conversions. They are fully customizable.

On top of that, if you would have used payments gateways before, you know you won’t be able to add retargeting pixel on those since it is hosted on 3rd party software like Razorpay and Instamojo.

As a result, you miss many conversions as these people don’t complete the transaction on the checkout page due to any reason. And you can’t do anything about it.

With FlexiFunnels this will change. You will be able to add retargeting pixels and if by chance someone doesn’t complete the transaction, you will be able to retarget them and bring them back to your funnels.

Plus the tool has an inbuilt cart abandon sequence to recover your lost payments. And the best thing, you can easily add bump offers on these checkout pages that can help you to increase your average cart value. Hence, increases your profits.

So using FlexiFunnels checkout pages is really a huge deal that increases your profit margins while cutting down your costs.

Business Centralization

You are cutting down on much monthly recurring software to run an online business & the headache of managing them to keep them running together.

Flexi-Funnels is a one-stop solution for managing your business from one central point.

[Despite my Best Efforts, I have not been able to highlight all the benefits of using FlexiFunnels in each section].

So much value is being Provided by FlexiFunnels Team.

Watch the Demo & Experience yourself how you can build your own business using this tool

Limitations of Using FlexiFunnels (Cons)

Every tool, everything has limitations. Nothing is perfect. So is FlexiFunnels.

With FlexiFunnels you will not be sent an automated email sequence when someone buys from you or sign-up for a lead magnet. You would require to use other auto-responders like Convertkit, ActiveCampaign, Aweber, etc to do this and in most of these tools, this feature is in paid version only.

This is not a clear apparent issue I would say as the core use of funnel builders is not this. But since it is present in ClickFunnels & Systeme.io, hence it’s my responsibility to let you know a clear distinction.

They do send one email automatically which will contain the access to the course area [if you are selling your courses] or will give them access to the lead magnet automatically [when you upload it as a digital asset].

Plus you won’t get 24*7 Instant Customer Support. You will be getting it from Monday-Saturday (9 am-10 pm IST) & Sunday (9 am-6 pm IST).

You will also be charged a 1% Transaction Fee on all the Transactions i.e If someone purchases your 100 rupees product, FlexiFunnels will charge you 1Re for that transaction. But when compared with other funnel builders this is very Cheap.

This is another reason I can say FlexiFunnels is much more recommended than any other platform.

Apart from these, there are no apparent limitations. Either all the features that are required by a maximum number of people are present or some advanced features like Cart Abandon Recovery Emails, WordPress plugin, Advanced Analytics, etc are launching soon.

Tools you No Longer Require Once you Start using FlexiFunnels

Important No Longer Required Tools

  • Advanced CDN Hosting

    You no longer require Fast Hosting Providers like WPX Hosting for hosting your Conversion Friendly Sites. All your pages that are hosted in FlexiFunnels open in Flash helping you in boosting your revenue.
    In my own personal opinion, if you want to do blogging then you should go with 3rd party hosting providers for your blogs as only you will be able to use WordPress which is blogger friendly. Apart from this FlexiFunnels is definitely the BEST in terms of Page Loading Speed and hosting your site.
  • Landing Page & Funnel Builder

    You don’t require other Expensive Funnel Builders like ClickFunnels to create your Sales Pages and Conversion Funnels. All this can be easily done with Flexifunnels where even a six-year-old can create pages with easy Drag & Drop features.
  • Multiple Required Integrations

    Apparently, No Single Tool can work for the growth of any business. All the tools must work together then only the Customer & Delivery Experience will be awesome. This work was being done by tools like Zapier & Pabbly, with help of which you were able to create integration between multiple tools. But Now FlexiFunnels has this feature inbuilt. You will be able to do multiple essential integrations with help of FlexiFunnels only.
  • Course Membership Platforms

    Specially designed for Course Creators, FlexiFunnels has an inbuilt fully secure course & membership area for Hosting all your courses in a single place. You no longer require the services of these Course Hosting Platforms like Teachable, Thinkific, Podia, Kajabi, etc. Plus you will also save money as no longer would require to do integrations of Funnels with these services using Zapier. All things are hosted under one platform i.e FlexiFunnels making your progress very easy.
  • Checkout Platforms

    You no longer need to use the dull & boring checkout pages of payment gateways like Razorpay & Instamojo, which are not at all conversion friendly. You can create High-Converting Checkout Pages in FlexiFunnels for Collecting Payments with a secure method, which has all the necessary integration available with these payment gateways.

Think about the Money you can Save when you Start using FlexiFunnels Instead of using all these other essential must-have online tools. Plus you will also get features like Advanced Analytics [which is not present in any other software in such great detail].

Money Saved once you Start Using FlexiFunnels instead of other tools

As you can see from the pic, You will be able to Save about a Whooping $3,500 per year [~2,77,282 Rupees] when you would have gone with the other best platforms for specific requirements.

So now you tell me isn’t FlexiFunnels worth your Investment?

It is right.

So what the heck are you waiting for? Grab FlexiFunnels and Scale-up your Business.

How FlexiFunnels Will Change the Overall Dynamics of your Respective Businesses?

You might be thinking, all these are great. But, how will all these benefits help you for your respective businesses? How will this help you to grow in your specific industry?

Thus to tackle your objections and remove all your fears and doubts, have written below how you can use FlexiFunnels for your industry as well as have shown results people have been able to achieve after using it and putting in the required efforts in their business.

Industry-Specific Use Cases

  • Digital Coaches

    Create a Mini-Course and give it away for FREE by creating Sign-up Pages. Inside that mini-course, provide so much value to your leads that they think, if he can provide so much value in free stuff, how much will he do in paid ones? At the end of the course, sell your Actual Course Bundle as the Next Step for going to Next Level in their journey and getting personal training from you. You can also invite people for FREE webinars and at the end of which can convert people to buy your product.
    There are many such Funnels you can create and combine together to form a Hybrid Funnel and maximize your profits. Plus you can Host all these courses inside FlexiFunnels, which will save you a lot of money from using these Course Creation Platforms. And your courses will be completely piracy protected.
  • Freelancers

    Give your Services like Email Marketing, SEO, Voice Overs, Social Media Marketing, etc using Sales Pages. After the initial transaction, you can upsell your other services and package them together with existing ones. This will help you get more money from people who want all your services.
    You can also do Freelancing in Funnel Building and create Conversion Optimized Funnels for your Clients. This way you will not only generate income from your own Services but can use the FlexiFunnels affiliate program and earn Affiliate Income that you will generate when people buy FlexiFunnels from your affiliate link.
  • Affiliate Marketers

    You can create Lead Capture Pages to get potential leads who might be interested in the product you are an affiliate of. Then, redirect them to a Bridge page which will let people know about the product, and from there you can sell your affiliate product instantly. Plus if they didn’t convert immediately, you always have the option of selling these products through email marketing.
    You can also create Bonuses [Training & Templates] and host them inside FlexiFunnels. This will sweeten the offer for your customers and will persuade them to buy the product from your affiliate link.
  • Software Owners

    They are probably the biggest gainers from Using Conversion Optimized Funnels. if you are one, you can create multiple versions of the Same product [like a Lite & Pro-Version]. Your main goal is to sell Pro-version, but for people who don’t have the financial capacity to buy your Pro-Version, you can down-sell them for Lite.
    Plus you can also increase the average order value by giving Extra Add-on services which will accelerate people’s growth. This will help you to maximize your profits.
  • Book Authors

    If you have written a book or are planning to write one, you can also sell your books using FlexiFunnels and maximize your Profits. First, you can either give your Physical Book for FREE [where people will cover the shipping charge] or Package the book into different bundles [like Single, Family, Office] along with extra add-ons like T-Shirts and Diaries. This way people will buy what suits them.
    After this step, you can use the power of Bump-Offers to sell your audiobooks and in the next step Sell your Premium Training [as an Upsell] which will help people fasten their growth. After this, you can go a step notch up, where you can do corporate training based on these similar concepts you have written in your book and charge a premium amount for doing so.
  • eCommerce Products

    Sell your single eCommerce product by creating sales pages in which you are mentioning all about the product and how it will impact people’s life. And then when they are about to checkout, give them an add-on that acts as a supplementary [Bump-Offers] that is not expensive.
    After they have paid you you can give them upsell, which helps people achieve the outcome at a much faster rate or in automation. People who want Faster results with fewer efforts and have the Financial capacity of doing so will jump on this offer. This will help you make more money from the same amount of traffic you generated.
  • Local Business Owners [Offline Stores]

    Suppose you are selling your GYM Membership. You can give people a FREE 1-Day Tour To GYM [Lead Magnet], Upselling your GYM Monthly Memberships, Further Cross-Selling the Supplements which they would need to become healthy. Then 1-1 Personal Training Sessions at a higher price to the ones who want it [Big Celebrities].
    You can use Online Funnel Builders like FlexiFunnels to attract people to your Offline Stores by spreading awareness and then hooking them to use your product. After converting them based on their needs and requirements.
  • Digital Agency

    If you are a digital agency owner you know how important are Funnels for generating income for people. Create Sales Pages for letting people know about your service and getting them to Schedule a call with your Sales Representative.
    Also, You can create Sales Pages for your Clients using FlexiFunnels [which apparently they should buy from your affiliate link, helping you get extra cash]
Have given a 4.5-Star Rating because Everything has a scope for improvement so does FlexiFunnels and they are continuously doing that. Having been a beta user for over 1+ year I have seen a lot of changes being introduced and know that other changes and features are also getting added.

Like they have started the process of adding:
– Abandon Cart Recovery Email
– Affiliate Dashboard from where you can create your own Affiliates as well

WordPress Plugin to display pages on WordPress Website
– Split Payment Options

…and many more

They are making all the efforts to create a World Class Robust product and by seeing it’s progress and also knowing Saurabh Bhatnagar as his student, I know FlexiFunnels will soon become a Topmost Product [it’s already close to becoming one] and you will be proud user once you start using this. Get started on this journey and become World Class yourself.

As you can see funnels are all about selling your multiple products [not to all but the ones who want them, which is many] and generating more money for yourself with the same amount of traffic.

I have shown just the basic minimum version of how using Funnels can impact your business. The Bigger Impact will be much much more. Make FlexiFunnels your companion in doing so.

Look at the results other people have gotten after using this product. [You can see many people using the FlexiFunnels ambassador term in their posts. That’s because it was a tag given to specific people after they were able to make 50,000 rupees in a given time frame. They have gotten few additional benefits because of it. Will this thing remain active at the time of your buying, I can’t really say about it].

See the Trustpilot Reviews as well.

You cannot get such results from a mediocre product. Such is the impact of FexiFunnels on beta users.

Get Similar Results and Success for your Own Business by using the tool and putting in your efforts.

Pricing of FlexiFunnels

At the time of writing this post, the following is the yearly plan for FlexiFunnels.

These are the Flexifunnels prices. You will be getting Professional Plan for $397 dollars (₹29500) & Premium Plan for $697 dollars (₹55460).

Apart from getting the Tool & its premium features, you will also be getting the Funnel Growth System, which is a combination of training that will help you in Launching, Growing & Scaling the Business.

Hence to Sum-up whichever plan you chose, you will get:

  • 1-Year FlexiFunnels Professional or Premium Access of the Tool (Based upon your Pricing)
  • 20-Hour Funnel Masterclass
  • Immediate Traffic Secrets
  • Quick Copywriting Plug-n-Play Secrets
  • Email Conversion Blueprint
  • 1,000+ Proven Funnels
  • Timeline Domination Suite
  • FB Community + Support + Networking

FlexiFunnels vs Competitors & Alternatives 2022

There are other MultiFunctional Software Programs out there that can be viable alternatives to FlexiFunnels.

I will try to be super transparent, hence will try and give you reasons why you should choose one over the others (both ways). Remember all the tools listed are world-class and have thousands of members in each. It all boils down to how you use it and for your specific purpose.

Let’s have a quick look at the top three platforms currently out there and they compare with FlexiFunnels.

FlexiFunnels vs Clickfunnels

Reasons for choosing FlexiFunnels over ClickFunnels

  • FlexiFunnels has a better pricing structure and is really affordable for Beginners. FlexiFunnels plans start at $397/year while ClickFunnels starting price is $147/month (and $1524/year)
  • Step-by-Step Mentoring by Saurabh Bhatnagar for running a profitable online business at no extra cost to you. Courses on Traffic Generation, Affiliate Marketing, Funnel Building, Course Creation, Freelancing, Product Creation, Client Acquisition, and many more.
  • Piracy Protection of the Online Courses. Your courses are completely secured in FlexiFunnels because of an extra layer of security and a watermark on the video.
  • Unlike ClickFunnels, FlexiFunnels can integrate with INDIAN payment gateways
  • All-In-One Favourable for Beginners and Intermediate level Business Owners

Reasons for choosing ClickFunnels over FlexiFunnels

  • In-built Email Autoresponder for all purposes of marketing
  • Can create your Full-Fledged Blog inside ClickFunnels
  • Build your own ECommerce Store inside ClickFunnels
  • In-Built advanced CRM Feature
  • Build your Own Customer Centre
  • All-In-One Best Platform for successful Business Owners, someone who is making lots of money and wants to take business to next level

FlexiFunnels vs Systeme.io

Reasons for choosing FlexiFunnels over Systeme.io

  • Mentorship by Saurabh Bhatnagar: Comprehensive Training and Course Materials that help you to run a profitable online business.
  • FlexiFunnels can integrate with INDIAN payment gateways like Razorpay, Instamojo & Cashfree as well as with Internationals. As a result, you can build High Converting Checkout Pages inside the tool that helps you to better track your data. Very useful while running paid ads.
  • Ability to Integrate with the many Online Tools in the marketplace without the use of Zapier. In systeme.io, No Integrations are possible.
  • Piracy Protection of the Online Courses. Your courses are completely secured in FlexiFunnels because of an extra layer of security and a Watermark on the Video.
  • Sub User Access: It is really valuable for Freelancers and Agency Owners or Business Owners whose marketing is handled by 3rd Party

Reasons for choosing Systeme.io over FlexiFunnels

  • The presence of an Email Autoresponder inside Systeme.io as Email Marketing is a major source of income.
  • Better Price Structure: You can start your Journey for Free inside Systeme.io and then can move to a monthly plan of $27/month ($228/year). And then when you require more benefits and more funnels move to a $47/month ($396/year) plan. You don’t necessarily have to buy the year-long plan from the start (like in the case of FlexiFunnels)
  • EverGreen Webinar Feature built inside Systeme.io (starting from $47/month plan)
  • In-Built Blog Creation Feature (I Prefer using WordPress)
  • Creating your own Community inside Systeme.io
  • To Run your Own Affiliate Program Smoothly (this feature will also come live in FlexiFunnels but after some time)

Read in Depth: FlexiFunnels Vs Systeme.io

FlexiFunnels vs Teachable

Unlike ClickFunnels and Systeme.io (which has been built for business owners), Teachable has specifically been designed for Course Creators or anyone who wants to get into the coaching industry and create and sell courses online.

So here the comparisons need to be done with respect to course creators only and that’s how I will also be reviewing it [From the eyes of any course seller]

Reasons for choosing FlexiFunnels over Teachable

  • FlexiFunnels is useful for both Selling and Hosting your Online Courses
  • Courses are completely Piracy Protected due to an extra layer of security and your watermark on the video.
  • Better for Beginners who wants to save money on cost and bear with slightly fewer features inside the Course Builder.
  • Very Low Transaction Fees: Only a 1% Transaction Fee on plans (whereas you need to give 10% and 5% per transaction fee in Free and Pro Plans respectively). 0% Transaction Fee on a $159 dollar per month plan in Teachable (which in itself is very high)

Reasons for choosing Teachable over FlexiFunnels

  • Better UI/UX design for the course area
  • Advanced Features like a Comments Section, Viewing of Completion Rate, Automatic Certificate Display, Assessment Management, etc can be easily done inside Teachable.
  • Better for Experienced Course Creators who has 1000s of Students and want to give the best experience to them and get more control


With this, we come to the end of the FlexiFunnels Review article. I hope you have got all your answers for the tool and are ready to rock in your online business journey.

Once you start using FlexiFunnels, you will get absolutely close to your dreams and desires. By using the product and putting the right strategies in place:

  • You will be able to EARN ACTIVE MONEY by selling your products and services.
  • You will be able to SAVE MONEY by not using different other tools to run your business
  • You will be able to EARN PASSIVE MONEY by becoming an Automatic Affiliate of the Tool
  • You will be able to GAIN MORE PROFITS by using Funnels Logics [Upsells, Downsells & Bump Offers]
  • You will be able to SAVE A LOT OF TIME & EFFORT by doing things on Automation
  • You will be able to ATTRACT ABUNDANCE, FREEDOM & CONFIDENCE in your life after going through all the training and implementing it to run your profit-producing business

All the above things and more will be yours.

All you have to do is Click on the Link Below and Buy FlexiFunnels and Start building your road towards your goals.

Fast Action Bonuses for Action Takers from My Own Personal Side [As a Thank You for Purchasing the Tool from My Affiliate Link]

1. First Funnels Formulas [Worth ₹23,999]: These are Courses that will help you to Launch your First Funnels with Ease. It will give you the complete system that you will require in creating these types of Funnels. These courses are about:
– First Lead Gen Funnel
– First Webinar/Workshop/Virtual Event Funnel
– First Affiliate Income Funnel

2. FREE Early Bird Access to Premium Silver LifeTime Membership [Worth ₹59,999]: I am about to Launch my Premium Silver Membership which will guide people like you to Attract Abundance in their Life by creating Multiple Streams of Recurring Income by creating their own Abundance HUB [Home on the Internet] by selling other’s people products as an affiliate. This Membership Includes Recorded Courses, Live Coaching Sessions, Doubt Clearing Sessions, Community & Certifications. You are going to get the following courses inside this membership along with Challenges & Weekly Doubt Clearing Sessions to help you get the results faster:
– Abundance HUB Model
– Abundance Foundation Formula
– Influence Building Blueprint
– Abundance Funnel Mastery
– Product Selection System
– Abundance Sales System

3. Step-by-Step Checklists & Guides [Worth ₹1,999]: These Checklists & Guides will help guide you at various stages of your journey
– Virtual Event Checklist
– Copywriting Checklist
– Copywriting Formulas

4. 1-1 Calls to help you create an action plan & review your progress [Worth ₹3,999]: We will have 2 one-on-one calls together where we will together understand your challenges, and goals and create a customizable action plan for achieving your Goals. 

All these things are my way of making sure that you don’t fail in your Entrepreneurship journey and achieve all your Goals with Flying Colors.

[How you can Claim your Bonuses will be sent to you when you subscribe using the form below & buy FlexiFunnels on the next page]

Get FlexiFunnels Access Now

Get Bonuses Worth ₹89,995 when you buy yearly package of FlexiFunnels

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    [No, I don’t want these Bonuses, I only want to Buy FlexiFunnels]

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is there any Money Back Guarantee?

    YES. FlexiFunnels Team is providing 30 day No Question Asked Money Back guarantee. All you have to do is reach out to them if you feel unsatisfied with the tool. But in my experience, you won’t come to this situation. 

    Is FlexiFunnels really an All-In-One Business Solution?

    YES and NO. Since the requirement for each business differs, hence it totally dependent on your requirement. But yes it is definitely a Business Centralization System helping you to manage your Business from this Single Platform. Apart from this for most cases, you will be only required an Autoresponder, Webinar Platform & Domain Provider. Rest all is available with FlexiFunnels,

    What are the Tools that are not required once you start using FlexiFunnels?

    You will save a lot on many other tools once you start using FlexiFunnels i.e Zapier (Integrator), Teachable (Course Platform), Checkout Platforms, Advanced CDN Hosting, and Other Expensive Funnel and Landing Page Builders like ClickFunnels.

    What is the Pricing for FlexiFunnels?

    It depends on when you are buying the product. But as of now, FlexiFunnels costs you a nominal $397 per year (₹29,500 inclusive of GST) for the Professional Plan & $697 per year (₹55,460 inclusive of GST) for the Premium Plan, which is far less than any other similar tool you will get into. You can expect this price to go higher from here. So Act FAST. 

    Is it based on Windows or Mac? Do I need to install something to use FlexiFunnels?

    FlexiFunnels is a cloud-based application. That means you don’t need to install it on your software. You can use it in any browser just by logging in to your account. You can use it just like Facebook, Gmail, Instagram, or any such cloud-based tool by signing in to your account.

    Are there any Long Term Contracts?

    No, no long-term contract is there. You can use FlexiFunnels on a monthly or yearly basis and cancel anytime you want.

    How often does the software gets updated? Do I need to pay extra money to get these updates?

    Saurabh Bhatnagar and FlexiFunnels Team have given their full 3 years for making this go-to tool for any business owner. They are and continuously will update it. And you won’t be charged an extra dime for doing so.

    What will happen to my leads & sales data if I cancel my account?

    You won’t be able to access the data in case you decide to cancel your account. But yes you can easily export all your data before canceling it.

    Is there any Transaction Fee when you use FlexiFunnels Converting Checkout Pages for doing your Transactions?

    Yes, you will need to pay 1% of the transaction fee to FlexiFunnels for each transaction that happens. That’s the only extra fee that you need to pay after getting the monthly or yearly plan. This is by far the least charged amount by such service providers.

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