Find Content Ideas

How To Find Unlimited Content Ideas: 15+ Easy Ways

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Yay! I have finished my post.

The very next day,

Oh Shit! I have to think again about what I should write on.

Don’t these lines sound familiar?

You & I both are aware of this feeling.

You get stuck and are unable to get any content idea.

Especially, when you are just starting out and have little to no experience.

This is the most common problem faced by marketers (you are not alone), whether you are writing a blog post, social media post, posting videos, or even podcasts.

So to put this feeling completely to Dustbin, I have created this post. After reading it, you won’t have to worry as you will never get short of ideas.

You will be able to march ahead & publish a lot of content consistently.

So, Let’s dive straight into the ocean of content ideas…

Amazon Books

Amazon Books is a great resource to find A-Z about a topic. Search about the topics you want to write about, you will find unlimited books on it.

Look for books that have a significant amount of reviews and a good rating. These nos vary according to the niche.

Then use the look inside feature which the book provides and move straight to the Table of Contents. From here you will be able to know about the topics which you can write on. These will be great topics as people spend months searching and publishing the book.

Utilize their research work and create your own form of content with your stories. For choosing the best books, you can utilize the option of best-selling books that Amazon provides you.

Online Courses

Like Amazon Books, Online Courses will also give you content ideas which people are actually paying to learn.

Go to Coursera, Udemy, or other educational sites. Search for topics and niche you want to create content on. You will get tons of Courses on the topic.

Select one and see their Curriculum/Syllabus. You will find subtopics on which you can create content.

Answer The Public / QuestionDB

Want a tool to get all the questions people ask related to a topic? Answerthepublic & QuestionDB are the tools for you. You will get almost all the questions people search on Google. This will help you to know the pain point and give you an idea of which you can create awesome content.

Keyword Research Tools

As you know, keywords are very essential for the success of your Blog, Youtube videos, Podcasts, etc. These help you to rank on Google and get noticed.

Keywords not only are phrases but are mini content ideas on which you can create content on. And when you will combine a few keywords, you will have yourself a longer form of content.

You can use any keyword research tool like Ahrefs, Semrush, Kwfinder, etc for this purpose. You will also know about CPC & Monthly Searches, thus giving you a better idea.

Competitor Blogs

You might be afraid to enter the market with higher competition. But they are your biggest friend as well. More competition suggests that it has money in it and is in high demand. Plus you will have more content ideas to write on.

You will come to know about the Keyword Research Tools. See who are your competitors and observe their content. After that, you have to write a better form of that content.

Write a more detailed article on the topic. You will have a better chance of getting more traffic than your competitors.

Also, use tools like Buzzsumo to know about viral content in your field and write your content accordingly.

Question-Answer Sites

It is one thing to see what people search about. You will get data from it. But the search might lack the user intent, they might be just scrolling on. So if you target based on that only, you might have to suffer later.

But when people ask questions on sites like Quora and Reddit, it means they are serious about the topic.

They really want to learn and know about the topic/product. So if you will write about those topics, you will attract more eyes.

The chances of getting it viral increase as you are helping people by solving their problems. Plus people search in these sites when they don’t find any relevant answer on a website.

So you will also be able to Find the Content Gap and this will help you to stand out.

Conference talks

This is another way of generating ideas. There is a conference going on over the world. People & Top Influencers are gathering together to discuss a particular topic.

Search in google Topic Name + conference.

You will come across various conferences going around the world. This will give you topics which people are paying a high amount to be a part of, which means it’s very valuable.

You will have to do a little research work to know about the content, but it’s definitely worth doing.

Podcast Episodes

Every person has a different personality, some like to read some watch videos while some get knowledge by listening.

Podcasts popularity is increasing at a rapid pace as people want to do multitasking. So they listen and do their work too.

You can search for podcasts that are teaching and informing people about your topic. Not only listen and learn from there, but you can also find awesome content.

The episodes will provide you with subsection (sometimes full blog) ideas, listen to them takes notes and write about them in your own words.

You will also find questions and insights to influencers and audience from there.

Online Groups

Facebook, Linkedin, Telegram, WhatsApp all have online groups where people gather and are very active.

They ask questions, discuss ideas, share tips & strategies, and many more. Become a part of these groups. Not only for getting ideas (this is one aspect) but also to provide value and develop your credibility.

Soon you will see people recognizing you and simultaneously learning from you. These are great places to built your audience. You will also meet fellow mates, to collaborate and grow together.

All in all a one-stop solution for everything.

Youtube Videos

YouTube is the second biggest search engine. You will find everything here. Search for videos from top influencers in your industry. Go through their content. You will not only learn but also get unlimited content ideas to produce.

Just don’t create content randomly, Select topics in which you can guide. This way you will help people and not confuse them by providing unnecessary information.


The biggest search engine will itself give you many content ideas. And these will be to the point as well.

Just search for a topic and don’t push enter, Google will automatically suggest various topic people are searching on that topic.

Google Search on Content Marketing

Or you can also get ideas from going to the bottom in Searches related to “Topic Name”.

Searches Related to Content Marketing

This will suggest to you many topics that you can create content on. (I am using Ubersuggest Chrome Extension, that’s why you are seeing those Cpc & Searches option on the side.)

You can use Google Trends for the same. You will come to know whether this topic is on the rise or falling. You want to target topics that are rising as it will help you majorly.

Explore Google Trends

You will also get a few queries about the topic and similar topics that you can target

Google Trends Related


SlideShare is also a platform where you can get a lot of content ideas.

People post in-depth presentations about a topic. Thus giving you ideas for many social media posts & blog posts, Youtube Videos, etc.

Just keep in mind to not plagiarise from them. Use those ideas and make your own content, around a similar topic.

Here you can also post many presentations and link back to your blog or affiliate products.


The niche which you have chosen will have a lot of subtopics. You can search for the Frequently Asked Questions people ask about the topics.

You can do this by typing: Topic Name + FAQ in google.

This way you will come across all the questions people want to know the answer to. It will help you to build your credibility. You can also do his for products you want to review. Like I did for Greengeeks hosting.

Greengeeks FAQ

This search helped me to know about FAQs about greengeeks from their site as well as my competitors sites. And Google Autosuggest also gave me more ideas to write content on.


You being a marketer have to continously growing yourself and upskill. For this you will become part of various webinars.

Apart from learning from those webinars, if you keep your mind open you will get a lot of ideas for your content.

Not only from the master but also from the participants, when they ask questions through chats. This is another form of generating great ideas and is very relevant too.

This has helped me a lot and will surely help you to.

Comment Sections

In the Competitor Blog section, we discussed how you can write better content than your competitors. So to do it Comment Sections will help you majorly.

You can find, what is missing from an influencer post by reading their comment sections. Or what content people want more. Audiences are very vocal about their opinion, so you will definitely get good insights from reading their comments.

Cover those missing topics along with the topics which your competitors wrote about.

This way your content will become much better, hence the chances of getting a higher google rank increases.

Bonus: Brainstorm Ideas

You can get many ideas from around the web. But the breakthrough will come when you observe people’s life and the problem they face in their life.

You can also Scratch your own Itch.

With experience, you will get more insights into the necessary things for your audience. This way you can brainstorm ideas and come up with content for your blog.

This also means you should never right off your gut feeling as well. If you feel like your idea will help others then go for it. Keeping your conscious and mind open will help you in this case.


So above are the ways how you can make a pool of ideas and never worry about getting stuck.

And when this is combined with different types of blog posts which you can write, you will have an unshakable force that will help you produce awesome content consistently and there will be variation in your content as well.

But do keep in mind that you have all the resources at your disposal, but how you use them will determine how successful you will become.

Also, don’t try to gather too much information or look through all the resources all at once. Select one, get some ideas, and produce your content. Because in the end, this is what will matter.

So which of these resources will you use to get your next idea. Whether it is Amazon Books, SlideShare, Facebook Groups, or any other. Do tell me in the comments.

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