Digital Masters Conference

Digital Masters Conference [August 2020] – Experience & Learning

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When you are looking to master a particular skill and grow in an industry attending their events should be your main focus. 

Being a Digital Marketer with an entrepreneurial mindset, I couldn’t have missed this conference. 

Digital Masters Conference is a place where 9 Masters Unite together to share their experience & expertise to serve India. The 9 Masters have allied with a motto:

To inspire and impact 1 million businesses in India to grow exponentially in this digital revolution. 

It was an awesome experience for me. You can learn from the masters individually but when they come together the experience & learnings is just unbelievable. 

Digital Masters Conference

Although Digital Masters Conference was supposed to happen Offline due to Covid19 it happened Online. 

I attended the 2nd of the Online DMC on 15 August 2020. It was a 6hour long extensive conference but I didn’t felt bored a single moment. The value provided was great & I learned a lot. 

Enough of the talking Let’s begin the learning of the conference…

The session started with Ashish Vidyarthi (National Award Winning Film Actor) sharing his views on the Digital Revolution & encouraging us to become an integral part of it.

My biggest Learning from his talk: Life is only about communicating your Story. So why to get afraid of competition and not do something substantial and bring about a change in society & your life.

I had watched his movies but listening to him live with him sharing his life experience was an awesome experience. 

Now It’s time for the Masters. 

Sorav Jain

Sourav Jain DMC

You might be knowing he is an Instagram Expert. He beautifully explained and guided us How we can do Influencer Marketing through Instagram.

Did you know we can use up to 30 Hashtags in an Instagram post (I didn’t know before the session). My Biggest Learning from his session (apart from the secrets of Instagram) was: 

If Content is King then Creativity is Queen.

So we should never stop exploring and being creative with our approach & marketing campaign.

Avi Arya

Avi Arya DMC

Where Sourav Jain focused on building Influence with Instagram, Avi guided How we can do Influencer Building & Marketing through to Micro Videos.

Facts Tell Stories Sell

With this motto, I got to know about the Hero Story from Avi. We all have a Hero inside us, it’s just how we express that decides who will succeed who doesn’t.

Biggest Learning: The most powerful person in the world is a storyteller. So Master the Art of Storytelling and you get a long way. Plus Learn to Repurpose your content to have a larger Influence on your Audience.

Deepak Kanakaraju

Digital Deepak DMC

He (popularly known as Digital Deepak) came up with a new marketing strategy that will help you to modify your message according to the audience (whether it’s Student, Professionals, etc) through Email Marketing. This enhanced the fact:

The Better you know the Audience, The Better is your Communication.

Also, the Best-Known will Always Beat the Best. So start building your Personal Brand, it will definitely come in handy in the future.

Sanjay Shenoy

You might be afraid to write and fear what other’s reactions will be, how your content will perform, etc. Thus you get writer’s block and cannot write a single word.

To tackle this fear Sanjay gave the most appropriate quote (which he always says):

Dance like No-one’s watching and Write like No-one’s reading.

Especially at the beginning. Once you get your fear away, you will excel. Also, Learn to make things Practically useful & not just theoretical.

Note: Sanjay Shenoy has a Weekend Content Workshop where he guides people all about Content Marketing. You will learn how to write like a pro, even if you have not written before. Do check it out, it’s worth definitely worth it.

Kulwant Nagi

Do you know what’s the No.1 secret to flourish and excel in Affiliate Marketing? It’s Scratch Your Own Itch. With this strategy, Kulwant Nagi showed how we can earn & grow with Affiliate Marketing. But for me, one quote that stands out from his session (and I believe you will also like it) was:

Put so much Hardwork in the next 5 years of your life that your next 50 years become magical.

Siddharth Rajsekar

With the motto: Never let schooling interfere with your Education (which he heard from his grandfather), Siddharth encouraged the fact that to win in life you must become a life-long learner & never shy away from learning new things and experimenting.

Faheem Ahmed

To be honest I didn’t know who was Faheem like I knew about the other masters. But he really was a top expert when it came to Paid Advertising. He emphasized the fact that We should do data-driven Digital Marketing. And I totally agree with him.

To know what’s working you must know How much conversions you are getting not only from a revenue point of view but also from Traffic, Leads, etc stats. Only when you have the data you can improve & grow through your marketing campaign.

Apart from this he also gave strategies on how we can increase our conversions through Paid Advertising.

Between all these my biggest learning from his session was:

What you have learned is Fistful, What you haven’t is all Outside   

Gopal Krishnan

Gopal Krishnan DMC

For me, his session was a surprise package. It blew my mind. He introduced the concept of Binge Marketing. I wasn’t sure what it meant when I heard it for the first time. But the way he explained and made it so simple was remarkable.

He used the concept called Story Triangle through which we can use to increase or credibility & authority by helping more individuals. And if you are not confident in your English, you can still Win. Language is nowhere a barrier.

After his session, I was convinced that I can convince anyone and make people buy things when they have no intention to buy it (although they definitely need it & the product will make their life easier).

The stand out advice for me in his session was:

Focus on prospect’s Future, not on product’s Feature

Gaurav Gurbaxani

He was the icing on the cake of the day. Popularly known as Lazy G, he should methods on how we can find the right professionals to Outsource our work. You might have read a book by Napoleon Hill called Think & Grow Rich. Gaurav added a flavor of his own to it:

Think, Outsource & Grow Rich.

He emphasized the sector of Gig Economy & Freelancing. It was definitely a power pack session.


It was really a great experience and the whole day was a PowerPunch filled with a lot of value.

I will highly encourage Everyone to take part in this Digital Masters Conference. Your thought process & mindset will definitely change after attending it.

P.S– Do you Want to Become a part of the Digital Revolution and learn a lot from the masters of India? Then my friend you are present at the right place at the right time.

Digital Masters Conference 2020 Online

Digital Masters Conference is again happening on 22 November 2020. It will be a powerpack session with a lot of learning. Want to know what’s the price of the awesome day? To your surprise, it is just 199/- INR. Yes, you heard it right. All these awesome sessions from the masters are only coming to you at a nominal price of 199/- INR (This offer is only valid till 5 November 2020 after that the price will go high).

So, Hurry Up & register for this great Digital Masters Conference. You will not want to miss this great day.

Click Here to Register For Next Digital Masters Conference

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