Crushing Doubts

Crushing Doubts: Why Will People Buy from You If There are Experts in your Niche and You also don’t have results to Showcase?

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Answering the Burning Question of Aspiring Infopreneurs “Why Will People Buy from Me when there are experts in the market and I don’t have testimonials as well?

🎧Listen to the Full Podcast to get your Answer.

You will learn about:

  1. Why do People Buy?
  2. How you can Build Trust?
  3. Four Kinds of Social Proof you need to collect

As mentioned in the podcast, Join the Next Live Webinar on Community Building for Infopreneurs.

How to Build Trust and Win Customers Even in a Crowded Niche Without Prior Results?

Welcome to another empowering episode of The Abundance Ankit Show! Today, we tackle the common question: “Why would people buy from me when there are already experts in the market, and I don’t have any results to showcase?”

Doubts like these are natural, but fear not!

We’ll explore strategies to gain customers’ trust and confidence, even in a competitive niche.

To Win Customers the Main Core thing you need to do is Build Trust. Once it is built people will buy from you rather than anybody. And this Trust needs to be built in three ways to get sales:

Building Trust in Your Company, Brand, and Industry

Trust is the foundation of every successful purchase. To gain your customer’s trust in your company and industry, leverage statistics and data that support your claims.

Highlight successful outcomes of others within your niche to show the possibilities your product or service can offer.

Your positioning in the market is vital – differentiate yourself based on your niche, method, and captivating story.

Trust in Your Product or Method

To instill trust in your product or method, use quotes from famous individuals endorsing the method.

Also, Craft an irresistible offer that removes any resistance and simplifies the entire process for your customers.

Trust in You, the Seller

Documenting your journey is a powerful tool to build trust in yourself as the seller. Share your learnings, aha moments, personal experiences, and even struggles and pain points.

Your authenticity will attract your ideal audience. Remember, your vibe will attract your tribe – intent shapes everything.

The Four Kinds of Proof

There are four types of proof that can help you gain credibility and win customers:

  1. Authority Celebrity Proof: Showcase endorsements from authoritative figures within your niche. These may not be famous people but should be an expert in the niche. Also, give their credentials and maybe links to their profile to establish their credibility.
  2. Personal Proof: Share emotional and experiential stories that resonate with your target audience. Humans take decisions based on emotion. This will appeal to their emotional side and will help you to build Trust
  3. Social Proof: Highlight positive feedback from satisfied customers who love your product or you as a person.
  4. Logical Proof: Present facts, features, benefits, and demonstrations to persuade potential customers.

Starting from Zero – It’s Not a Zero-Sum Game

Remember that everyone starts from zero at some point. It’s essential to understand that the success of others in your niche does not diminish your potential for success.

Embrace your journey and focus on adding value to your audience.

Your dedication and passion will shine through, attracting loyal customers who believe in your vision.


In conclusion, crushing doubts and winning customers in a competitive niche is about building trust and authenticity.

By leveraging various forms of proof, establishing a strong personal brand, and documenting your journey, you can carve out your space in the market.

Embrace your uniqueness, and remember, it’s not a zero-sum game – there’s enough success to go around.

Thank you for tuning in to The Abundance Ankit Show. Keep crushing doubts, and watch your success unfold!

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