Affiliate Networks

Top 10 Affiliate Networks for Beginners: Find the Best Affiliate Programs

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Affiliate marketing is a great way for beginners to make money online, but it can be overwhelming to know where to start.

With so many different affiliate networks available, it can be difficult to know which one is the best fit for you and your business.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the top 10 affiliate networks for beginners.

We’ll highlight the key features of each network, their commission structures, and the types of products and services they offer.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of which affiliate networks are the best fit for your business and goals.

What is an Affiliate Network?

An affiliate network is a platform that connects affiliates (individuals or businesses that promote products or services on behalf of other companies) with merchants (companies that sell products or services).

The affiliate network handles the tracking and payment process for affiliates.

Making it easier for affiliates to receive their commissions and for merchants to track the performance of their affiliates.

Affiliate networks typically offer a range of products and brands for affiliates to choose from, and often provide resources and support to help affiliates succeed.

Some affiliate networks specialize in certain types of products or categories, such as digital products or fashion, while others offer a wider range of products across multiple categories.

Affiliates promote the products or services of merchants through a variety of marketing channels, such as websites, social media, and email marketing.

When a sale is made as a result of an affiliate’s marketing efforts, the affiliate earns a commission from the sale.

The commission is typically a percentage of the sale price and is paid to the affiliate by the affiliate network.

How Does Affiliate Network Work?

An affiliate network works by connecting affiliates with merchants and handling the tracking and payment process for affiliates.

Here’s a general overview of how an affiliate network works:

  1. Affiliates sign up to join the affiliate network and choose the products or brands they want to promote.
  2. Affiliates receive unique tracking links for the products or brands they want to promote.
  3. Affiliates promote products or brands through their marketing channels and build their own community.
  4. Customers click on the tracking links and make a purchase from the merchant’s website.
  5. The affiliate network tracks the sale and credits the sale to the affiliate’s account.
  6. The affiliate network pays the affiliate a commission for the sale, typically a percentage of the sale price.
  7. The merchant tracks the performance of its affiliates through the affiliate network’s platform and pays the affiliate network for the sales generated by the affiliates.

In this way, an affiliate network acts as a middleman between affiliates and merchants, simplifying the tracking and payment process for both parties.

All-in-all, You chose a product, get a custom link and start promoting it. Once you make a sale, you receive your payment through the affiliate network.

Different Types of Affiliate Networks

There are several different types of affiliate networks, each with its own unique features and benefits.

Some common types of affiliate networks include:

  1. Pay-per-sale networks: Pay-per-sale networks pay affiliates a commission based on the number of sales they generate. Example: Amazon Associates and ClickBank.
  2. Pay-per-lead networks: Pay-per-lead networks pay affiliates a commission based on the number of leads they generate. Example: Commission Junction and MaxBounty have products with a pay-per-lead type.
  3. Pay-per-click networks: Pay-per-click networks pay affiliates a commission based on the number of clicks they generate.
  4. Two-tier networks: Two-tier networks allow affiliates to earn a commission on their own sales as well as the sales of other affiliates they recruit to the network. These networks can be a good option for someone who wants to build a team and earn residual income. Example: ShareASale and FlexOffers have similar affiliate products
  5. Cost-per-action networks: Cost-per-action networks pay affiliates a commission based on specific actions taken by users, such as filling out a form or making a purchase.

The best type of affiliate network for an affiliate will depend on its goals, target audience, and marketing strategies.

I would recommend you not limit yourself to one type. Promote different types of affiliate programs and diversify your revenue stream. Main Goal is to understand your target audience and recommend products that are beneficial to them

Business Breakthrough Challenge by Jonathan Montoya - Affiliate Marketing

Pros & Cons of Joining an Affiliate Network

Here are the pros & cons of joining an affiliate network:


  • Access to a Wide Range of Products and Brands
  • Simplified Payment & Tracking Method
  • Support & Resources are provided to help the affiliate
  • Simplified Account Management helps you manage multiple affiliate programs in a single dashboard
  • Offers rewards and incentives for getting more sales


  • Highly Competitive
  • Limited Control over marketing strategy as some don’t allow a few types of traffic source
  • Some Networks may charge a small amount
  • Complex Terms & Conditions

I would recommend you not limit yourself to a single network. Also, look for standalone programs, as they offer higher incentive value.

Diversify your portfolio with affiliate networks, stand-alone programs, and recurring and funnel-based programs.

Top 10 Affiliate Networks You can Find your Products On

ServiceMain Features


  • You can find every kind of product inside Clickbank. These include Health, Spirituality, Relationship, E-Business & E-Marketing, Finance, Games, Home & Gardens, Sports, and many more.
  • Your focus should be to promote products that have more gravity. This means that people are buying more of these products.
9DigiStore 24

DigiStore 24

  • Best Alternative for ClickBank. Recently in some areas, ClickBank is not approving some affiliates. People are facing difficulty in creating an account. But you have a perfect alternative to it in form of DigiStore24.
  • The commission rate varies per product. But for most, it is more than 50%. Hence chance of making more money.
8Max Bounty

Max Bounty

  • MaxBounty is a performance-based affiliate network that offers a wide range of products and services.
  • It is known for its high-paying offers, reputation for timely payments, and a wide range of offers, including CPA, CPL & CPS.
  • A popular choice among experienced affiliates, for WeightLoss & Finance. For getting approved you must have a Skype id & get on a phone call.
7Commission Junction (CJ)

Commission Junction (CJ)

  • Commission Junction is another well-established affiliate network. It offers a wide range of products across different niches, including travel, finance, and software.
  • Approval is required from each merchant separately for getting the affiliate link.


  • ShareASale is an affiliate network that offers a range of products in a variety of categories, including fashion, home and garden, and health and wellness. It offers Both Physical & Digital Products
  • ShareASale is known for its user-friendly platform and wide range of tools and resources to help publishers promote products effectively.


  • vCommission is an affiliate network that offers a wide range of products across different niches. It is especially popular for Indian marketers and offers products from Indian merchants.


  • If you are in SAAS Niche or Make money online niche, WarriorPlus & JvZoo should be on your radar. They become your go-to Platforms.
  • It offers a wide range of products, including software, e-books, and online courses.


  • JvZoo is an affiliate network that focuses on digital products, including software, e-books, and online courses.
  • It is great for the internet marketing niche with training and resources to help you succeed. You’ll get paid using JvZoo Pay.


  • Impact is an affiliate network that focuses on the health and wellness niche. It offers a wide range of products, including supplements, skincare, and fitness equipment.
  • It is known for its high commission rates, with some products offering up to 75% commission.
  • Companies like Canva, InVideo, NameCheap, AppSumo, etc have hosted their links here.


  • MunchEye is technically not an Affiliate Network. But a Platform that highlights all the recent releases or future launches of software. For any Internet Marketing product that is about to be launched, you will get their details here.
  • As you know most of these launches activate an affiliate contest. So you as an affiliate would know beforehand about these launches and prepare yourself for getting more sales and maybe winning the contests.
  • You could find products from Warrior Plus, Paykickstart, JvZoo & ClickBank.
Bonus 1GuruMedia


  • GuruMedia is an affiliate network that specializes in the health and wellness niche. It offers a wide range of products, including supplements, skincare, and fitness equipment.
Bonus 2Amazon Associates

Amazon Associates

  • Amazon Associates is the affiliate program for Amazon, one of the world’s largest online retailers.
  • It offers a wide range of products in a variety of categories, including electronics, home and garden, and fashion.
  • The commission rate is lower than other affiliate networks but, the conversion rate is higher and Amazon is a widely known and trusted brand.

How to Choose the Best Affiliate Network?

Here are some tips for choosing the best affiliate network:

  1. Understand your Target Audience: Who is your Audience & What type of products they are interested in? This is the first step in selecting a network.
  2. Research different networks: Research and compare different affiliate networks to find one that meets your needs and goals. Look for networks that offer a wide range of products and brands, as well as resources and support for affiliates. Plus with a relatively easy approval process.
  3. Consider the commission structure: Consider the commission structure of different networks (one-time or recurring) and choose one that offers competitive commissions for the products you will be promoting.
  4. Check the payment terms: Check the payment terms of different networks to ensure that you will be paid on time and in a way that is convenient for you.
  5. Look for a reputable network: Look for a reputable affiliate network with a proven track record of paying affiliates on time and providing good customer support.
  6. Consider the reputation of the products: Consider the reputation of the products that are offered by the network, as promoting high-quality products can increase your chances of success as an affiliate.
  7. Evaluate the resources and support offered: Look for an affiliate network that provides resources and support to help you succeed, such as marketing materials, training, and customer support.
  8. Test out the network: Consider testing out the network with a small campaign to see if it is a good fit for your needs before committing to a long-term partnership.


There are many different affiliate networks available for you.

Each network offers different features and benefits, and it’s important to research and compare them to find the one that best fits your business and goals.

Whether you’re looking for a network with a wide range of products and services, a high commission rate, or a user-friendly platform, there’s an affiliate network that’s the perfect fit for you.

It’s important to remember that starting an affiliate marketing business takes time and effort, but with the right network, the right products and services, and the right strategy, you can be successful.

Additionally, it’s important to continually learn and improve your skills, as well as to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and strategies in the industry.

Focus on Helping get the results they desire and Learn from Someone who is already crushing in the space, to fasten your results.

By following these affiliate marketing tips, you can set yourself up for success and start to build a sustainable and profitable business.

Affiliate Marketing Challenge

Want Guidance and More Knowledge about Affiliate Marketing? I have a perfect solution for you.

3-Day Business Breakthrough Challenge by Jonathan Montoya (who is a 6-Figure Affiliate entrepreneur). This Challenge has helped 31,000+ Students to generate their First Check Online & Quit their 9-5 Job.

You will discover the Steps and Strategies that he has used to create a life of Complete Freedom and Time Freedom without Having any Product, Much Experience, or Time.

Click the link below (affiliate link) and know about his Business Breakthrough Challenge. A Starter Guide & Genuine Program for newbie affiliate marketers that empowers them to start their own affiliate business in only 3 days.

Or Read my Complete Review of the Challenge & make an informed decision

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