Affiliate Marketing without a Website

11+ Proven Ways to Do Affiliate Marketing without a Website

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When we think of “affiliate marketing,” we often picture websites, blogs, and landing pages. But guess what? You can excel without one!

In the past, websites were key, but today, social media, video platforms, and apps offer alternatives. Perfect for those with limited resources or seeking something different.

Discover techniques on familiar platforms like YouTube, Instagram, email, and podcasts. Learn to build a social media community, grow your brand, create engaging content, and form valuable partnerships for affiliate sales.

Whether you dream of being an influencer or love social media, this post equips you to thrive in affiliate marketing without a website. Navigate the digital world, maximize alternative channels, and boost affiliate revenue.

Ready to break free from the usual path? Join us on this adventure to discover 11+ ways to succeed in affiliate marketing without a website. Rewrite the rules and elevate your affiliate marketing journey!

The Pros and Cons of Doing Affiliate Marketing without a Website

Whether you should do Affiliate Marketing without a website or not, should be decided by looking at both the pros and cons of the decision. Let’s discuss it in this section.


  • Very Low Start-up Costs
  • Low Maintenance Cost
  • Lower Risk
  • Easy to Get Started
  • Videos and podcasts have become popular and their audience is as beneficial to a website


  • No Google Search Engine Traffic
  • Missing a Major Piece of Puzzle
  • Susceptible to Social Media Algorithmic Updates
  • Most Affiliate Networks require you to have a website
  • Difficult to Track and Analyze Your Efforts

Even if you don’t want to build your own website, it’s OK. But definitely create an affiliate funnel, so that you can collect contact details, build your own email list, and simultaneously sell the products. Otherwise, you will never be able to build a long-term profitable business.

How to Create Your Affiliate Funnel?

When you are promoting products without a website, there often comes a challenge of either audience being left uninformed or it taking too much of your time. This scenario results in you not getting the conversion.

In order to tackle this, you need to have a place where you are giving ample information to the audience and selling the product. That’s where Affiliate Funnel steps in.

This is not a full-fledged website, but a two-to-three landing page coming together that will make your path a lot easier, moving forward.

You require this for:

  • Building your Email List
  • Informing and Selling the Affiliate Products
  • Creating a Webinar Registration Page
  • Create your Course Sales Page (Free or Paid)

You can create this landing page in the FREE Software of It is an awesome all-in-one marketing solution for entrepreneurs that fits right into the budget.

You will get:

  • Sales Funnels
  • Email Marketing
  • Online Course Builder
  • Blogging Platform
  • Marketing Automation
  • Affiliate Program Management
  • Community Builder
  • EverGreen Webinar Platform

…All In Single Platform.

Check out My Detailed Review of the Tool and How it can help you in various aspects of your Business.

11+ Ways to Promote Affiliate Products Without a Website

Let’s dive right in and discover how you can promote affiliate programs without a website:

1. YouTube

YouTube is the second largest search engine. Everyone goes there to get information content and learn.

Create video content that is informative and engaging to promote the affiliate products.

You can create Product Review Videos, Detailed Demos, Feature Tutorials, conduct Interviews with the Product Owner, etc to promote those products.

Pro Tip: The most successful YouTube strategy is Creating an Outcome-based Video and promoting affiliate products as a pathway to achieve that outcome. Use this to your advantage.


In this video, I am teaching people How they can conduct their first-ever virtual event flawlessly. I am giving them a detailed checklist as well.

Through this video, I am promoting multiple affiliate products that people will require to run a profitable webinar/workshop. This way the products are a no-brainer and are essential.

As a result, I am selling the products without actually selling them.

Learn more in-depth about Affiliate Marketing on YouTube by clicking on the link below.

2. Social Media

Use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest to promote affiliate products and services.

Create social media posts and infographics, Share Reels, Offer something valuable for FREE, and run social media contests and giveaways.

Use the formula of Value, Value, Value, and Offer. Create three posts giving lots of value and promote your products in the fourth post.

You can find the step-by-step strategy for each platform in these articles:

Pro Tip: Don’t just post links and try to traffic drive directly. But Tell people the outcome they can achieve, or offer something and ask them to comment a keyword, below the posts if they desire it. This way you can engage with them, and delivering your content through inbox and social media will also give it the maximum reach.


See how this guy is using social media to get leads and sell his affiliate product. By asking people to comment “send it”, he is creating engagement. This way Facebook is getting more people to his post and he is also getting leads & sales.

3. PPC Advertising

If you don’t have much time and want faster results, PPC Advertising should be your go-to choice. You should use Google, Bing, and Facebook Ads to promote the products.

Don’t use affiliate links directly, but direct people to a landing page where you are giving away information about the product. After that, once they click on the CTA, they are redirected to the affiliate product sales page.


  • Collect Email Addresses by giving away a FREE Lead Magnet that is related to the affiliate product.
  • Inform people about the product on the Bridge Page. This can also be Free training that informs people how they can achieve a particular outcome using the product. After which direct them to the main affiliate product page for purchase.

Get the Step-by-Step Strategy for making it work using Paid Ads. Click on the link below.

4. Email Marketing

Email Marketing has the highest ROI out of any other marketing effort. It not only helps you to sell the products but also increases the Lifetime Value of your Customer.

Build your own email list and use it to promote affiliate products and services.

Using the affiliate funnel, when you generate the lead, then the email marketing kicks in. Its work is to convert leads to sales, nurture your relationship with leads, and convert them to become your customers.

You can use Email Marketing to promote multiple products strategically without being too salesy while continuing to add value.

Learn more in-depth about Email Marketing for Affiliate Marketers by clicking on the link below.

5. AudioBooks and Podcasts

Audio content in the form of Audiobooks and Podcasts offers a dynamic platform for affiliate marketing.

  • Develop a series of informative and captivating episodes that provide value to your listeners. Ensure that your content is well-researched and relevant to the niche.
  • Within your episodes, subtly integrate affiliate product recommendations. Explain how these products can enhance the experience or address the needs of your audience.
  • Negotiate with affiliate programs to provide exclusive discounts or bonuses to your podcast listeners or Audiobook subscribers who make purchases through your affiliate links.
  • Distribute your podcast on popular platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Audible to reach a broad audience.
  • Encourage listener engagement by soliciting questions and feedback. Address these queries in your episodes and build a sense of community around your content.

I would suggest you make Podcasts a regular part of your omnichannel marketing strategy.

Podcasts and Audiobooks offer a personal and accessible way to promote affiliate products, allowing you to connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Click the link below to learn more about doing Affiliate Marketing with Podcasts.

6. Webinars and Workshops/Challenges

Webinars and online workshops/challenges are effective tools for affiliate marketing without a website:

  • Host webinars or online workshops related to your niche. Provide valuable insights and solutions to common problems within your audience’s interests.
  • Incorporate affiliate product recommendations within your presentations. Explain how these products can enhance the experience or results of your attendees.
  • Engage with your audience during Q&A sessions, addressing their concerns and queries about the affiliate products.
  • Consider offering exclusive bonuses or discounts to webinar attendees who purchase through your affiliate links.

By delivering educational content and aligning affiliate products with your audience’s needs, webinars and workshops can drive affiliate sales effectively.

You can find the Step-by-Step Strategy for promoting affiliate products using Webinar from the links below:

7. Online Communities and Forums

Online communities and forums offer a unique platform for affiliate marketing:

  • Join relevant online communities and forums within your niche. Engage genuinely and establish yourself as an authority.
  • Contribute valuable content by answering questions and providing solutions to members’ problems.
  • When appropriate, recommend affiliate products that genuinely solve the issues being discussed.
  • Use your forum signature or profile to discreetly share affiliate links, but always adhere to community guidelines.
  • Be patient and build trust over time. People are more likely to take your recommendations seriously if you’ve demonstrated your expertise.
  • Avoid spammy or aggressive tactics. Focus on genuinely helping the community, and affiliate sales will naturally follow.

You can use a similar strategy for promoting Affiliate Products using Facebook Groups.

8. Quora, Reddit & Similar Q&A Sites

You can use Quora, Reddit, and similar Q&A sites for promoting affiliate products in multiple niches:

  • Search for questions within your niche on these platforms. Provide comprehensive and helpful answers.
  • Within your answers, subtly recommend affiliate products that align with the question’s topic. But don’t share direct links in the answer. But direct people to your profile to get the affiliate link.
  • Avoid being overly promotional or spammy; focus on genuinely solving the user’s query.
  • Engage with the community, upvote relevant content, and build a reputation as a knowledgeable contributor.

By offering valuable answers and subtly introducing affiliate products, you can leverage the immense user base of these platforms.

9. Online Courses

Online courses are a valuable medium for affiliate marketing:

  • Create an online course or become an affiliate for existing courses that align with your niche.
  • Develop high-quality course content that provides genuine value and addresses the needs of your target audience.
  • Integrate affiliate product recommendations as supplementary resources within your course materials.
  • Offer special discounts or bonuses to course participants who purchase through your affiliate links.
  • Promote your courses through social media, email marketing, and other channels.
  • Collect feedback and continuously improve your courses based on user suggestions.

Online courses can serve as a comprehensive educational platform for affiliate marketing, allowing you to establish authority within your niche.

For example, Check out this FREE Affiliate Marketing Course for which I have partnered with Jonathan Montoya. Inside this, I am able to 10+ Affiliate Programs using this single course.

All this while helping people start their own affiliate marketing business. These programs become a no-brainer as people would need them at different stages of their journey.

10. Freelancing Gigs

Freelancing gigs provide a unique opportunity to promote affiliate products while offering valuable services to clients:

  • Niche Selection: Start by identifying a niche that aligns with the affiliate products you intend to promote. This ensures that your services and recommendations are relevant to potential clients.
  • Professional Profile: Establish a strong presence on popular freelancing platforms like Upwork or Fiverr. Craft a profile that showcases your expertise in the chosen niche.
  • Offer Valuable Services: Utilize your skills to offer services that complement the affiliate products you’re promoting. For example, if you’re promoting fitness supplements, offer content writing or social media services related to health and fitness.
  • Integration of Affiliate Products: Seamlessly integrate affiliate product recommendations into your services. Explain how these products can enhance the client’s goals or project outcomes.
  • Transparency: Maintain transparency with clients regarding your affiliate marketing endeavors. Inform them that you may suggest specific products within the work you provide.
  • Provide Value: Concentrate on delivering high-quality work that augments your clients’ projects. Client satisfaction bolsters trust in your recommendations.
  • Incorporating Affiliate Links: Where relevant, include affiliate links within the work you deliver to clients. Ensure these links enhance the content rather than appearing intrusive or overtly promotional.
  • Performance Tracking: Monitor the performance of your freelancing gigs that incorporate affiliate marketing. Analyze click-through rates and conversion metrics to refine your strategy.
  • Client Feedback: Pay heed to client feedback and adjust your approach based on insights. Contented clients often evolve into returning customers who appreciate your recommendations.

Freelancing gigs offer a dual revenue stream—earnings from your services and affiliate commissions—while cultivating trust with clients.

11. Solo Ads

Solo ads are a paid advertising method where you send promotional emails to a list of subscribers owned by another marketer or website owner. It’s a powerful way to quickly reach a targeted audience with your affiliate product offers.

Follow the following steps for using solo ads effectively:

  • Identify a Reputable Solo Ad Provider: Start by researching and identifying a reputable solo ad provider within your niche. Look for providers with a track record of delivering high-quality, responsive email lists. You can use a platform like Udimi for this purpose.
  • Craft Compelling Email Copy: Create persuasive and attention-grabbing email copy that highlights the benefits and features of the affiliate products you’re promoting. Ensure your message is clear and concise.
  • Affiliate Funnel: Create a dedicated affiliate funnel where solo ad recipients will be directed when they click on your email.
  • Test and Track: Before committing to a large solo ad campaign, conduct small-scale tests to assess the performance of your email copy and landing page. Track click-through rates (CTR) and conversion rates to optimize your approach.
  • Compliance and Transparency: Follow email marketing regulations, such as CAN-SPAM Act compliance in the United States. Be transparent in your emails by clearly disclosing that they are promotional and include a way for recipients to opt-out.
  • Segmentation: If possible, work with solo ad providers who can segment their email lists based on demographics or interests. This allows you to target a more specific audience likely to be interested in your affiliate products.
  • Budget Wisely: Set a budget for your solo ad campaign and stick to it. Monitor your return on investment (ROI) to ensure your advertising expenses are justified by the affiliate commissions you earn.
  • Test Different Providers: Don’t rely on a single solo ad provider. Test multiple providers to find the ones that yield the best results in terms of conversion rates and ROI.
  • Focus on Building your Email List in the process so that you don’t need to depend on solo ads every time and you are able to nurture them and build your trust.

12. Ebooks/Kindle Publishing

Ebooks and Kindle publishing offer an excellent platform for affiliate marketers to generate income while providing readers with valuable content. Follow these steps:

  • Author a meticulously researched ebook that offers genuine value to readers. The ebook should address problems, answer questions, or provide valuable insights within your chosen niche.
  • Seamlessly weave affiliate product recommendations into your ebook’s content. Ensure these recommendations genuinely enhance the reader’s experience.
  • Consider publishing your ebook on Amazon Kindle to access a vast reader base.
  • Employ various marketing channels, such as social media, email, and relevant forums or communities, to promote your ebook.
  • Encourage readers to leave reviews and ratings for your ebook on platforms like Amazon. Positive reviews can enhance the ebook’s credibility and visibility.


Affiliate marketing is a viable online income stream, even without a website. Utilizing platforms like social media, email, and video, you can effectively connect with a wide audience while promoting affiliate products and services.

Keep in mind that finding the right approach and methods depends on your target audience and the products you’re promoting. It may require some experimentation and testing to find the most effective ways to promote your affiliate products without a website.

To excel in affiliate marketing without a website, invest time, effort, and learning. Building a brand and following is challenging but rewarding with the right mindset and skills.

Remember, thorough research on products, companies, and your target audience is crucial. Staying current with industry trends and adapting to market changes is essential for sustained success. Explore more affiliate marketing tips for continued growth.

Affiliate Marketing Challenge

Want to Become a Part of this Affiliate Marketing Game and start your earnings (while learning) online?

Join the 72-Hour Freedom Challenge by Jonathan Montoya (who himself is a 7-figure Affiliatepreneur).

72-Hour Freedom Challenge

This Challenge will help you to make money and Quit your 9-5 Job. It will take on the Step-by-Step Journey and hold your hand to build a long-term sustainable Affiliate Marketing Business.

You can clone his FREE WhiteLabel Course that will help you to promote 15+ Affiliate Products.

He has helped 31000+ People generate their First Paycheck online & quit their 9-5 Jobs. In this 3-day you will be able to build your Foundation for that business and get going.

Want to Leave your Soul Sucking 9-5 job and Create Multiple Streams of Income?

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