Best About us Page

How To Write The Best About Us Page: The Beginners Guide

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Are you facing difficulty in creating your about page?

You have no idea what you should write in your about us page. You are getting a headache thinking about it.

I know how you might be feeling right now. I have been in the same place myself, so does many other great marketers.

Don’t worry, you will definitely be able to figure that out and this post will help you in making that process easier.

So leave your worry aside and focus on writing an excellent about page as it is one of the most important page which you will ever write.

It introduces you to new readers, potential customers, and future fans. It helps you to stand out from the masses.

The websites which get it right have a huge advantage over their competitors. Don’t treat it just like a requirement on the checklist for your website. Give it the utmost importance.

It helps you to build your brand and positions you to become a go-to expert in your industry.

For example, look at the about us page of Neil Patel.

It is so well written that not only people have 1000s of comments about him but also they are contacting him and thanking him for helping them in their journey.

It has established a bond between the reader and Neil Patel.

Your about has the potential of building a great rapport with your audience.

If the reader resonates with your mission and purpose, they are more likely to keep buying from you. Your about is just the page where you can showcase what you stand for.

Let’s dive in and try to understand why it is given so much importance.

Importance Of An About Us Page

Your about us page is the second most visited page after your homepage. If you don’t believe me head over to google analytics and see yourself.

But many individuals ignore this page.

They think that since it not generating any direct ROI, so why should they put the effort into this invaluable page.

This is their biggest mistake.

I am glad you are not one of them.

And believe me, this is literally the page that will make or break your marketing effort.

This will decide whether people continue to read your blog and return for their answers or bounce back and check out someone others site. So you must put an extra effort into writing this page.

Now you can do this in various ways. There is no specific way to do it. This all depends on how you want to convey your story and make people remember you for your work.

Writing the about page isn’t the easiest thing to master. But it can be done once you understand the essential elements that must be included.

Elements Of A Great About Page

Your about page has about 5 elements i.e Hook, Benefits for the reader, Social Proof or Testimonials, Personal Story, and Call-To-Action.

Let’s go deep in each section and understand its importance in building your brand.


The role of this element to immediately grab the attention of the reader by quickly showing that they are at the right spot.

You have to convey to them that you understand their problem. You have the answer to their questions. The point here is to make them keep reading and nod along.

If you can define the questions better than your target customer, they will automatically assume you have the solution.

You can also grab attention by appealing to their desires. The result they want to achieve. Make them Imagine that it is actually possible and you are the right person in helping them to achieve it.

Even if you are starting out don’t worry because some people want to learn from people who are just one or two steps ahead. This way they know that you are aware of their problem and can completely resonate with them.

This brings me to the next element the Benefits.

Benefits for the Reader

Focus on the benefits, not the features your site has to offer.

What transformation can you bring in them? How will they benefit from remaining on your site?

Like for me, my readers will get the benefit that I will be talking more about the psychology and the practical stuff which you can immediately implement.

I believe you need to be in the right mindset to blend in the process and start taking action. Your mindset will guide you and will dive your actions towards your goals.

And the practical applications as it will help you to take action immediately and get a headstart in your journey.

Similarly, focus on your goals and how your site can help your readers achieve their goals.

Social Proof or Testimonials

Social proof helps to build your authority. It helps in showing the people that you are there to help them.

You can show the proof in different manners.

For example, you can tell them about your work and your experience. You can show the testimonials of people who you have helped.

Any kind of proof will work. Just a couple of them.

Give reassurance for people who are on your site, so that they know they are in the right place and you actually care for them.

If you don’t have any of the proofs you can always tell them about your mission and values. This will establish a connection between you and your audience. This will make them trust you.

Also, your work will speak for itself. Believe in yourself and do it. Add value in people’s lives, then people will automatically trust you and you will have your social proof and your testimonials.

Personal Story

Stories bring people together. It establishes a human connection between the readers and you.

To survive in this competitive marketplace you must stand out.

There are chances that many other people are also selling the same product or service. Stories will help you to differentiate yourself from the rest.

Stories are how the audience will remember you. It also creates segregation between people who connects with you and others who don’t.

You will get the right kind of people as many who doesn’t resonate with you will leave your blog.

But don’t worry about them. It’s best that they left. This way you will be able to help people who resonate with you and feels the connection.


At last, give them a call-to-action. Suggest people what they should do next.

Ideally, you should offer them to opt-in in your subscriber’s list as this is fairly a warm audience whom you have just convinced that you are worth listening to.

If you don’t have any opt-in page set up yet, you can also direct them to your best posts to increase the engagement with you.

10+ Tips For Writing The About Us Page

Keep the following points in mind and you will be able to write a perfect about page for your blog.

  • Don’t just keep your headline like a simple “About”. Headlines are very important to grab the attention of the reader for your blog post. The same goes for your about page. Write an attention-grabbing headline to entice people to read about you.
  • Don’t just use the about page for talking about yourself. Focus on how you can solve the problem of the reader.
  • You can give a personalized touch to the about page. You can tell about your background, where are you from, what are your hobbies, etc. This will create an immediate connecting factor and would help you to stand out.
  • Use your about page to capture email leads. It will help you in the future and this strategy will also be helpful to boost your conversion in the opt-in form.
  • Add an image in your about page. Don’t just leave the page blank. A image is worth of thousand words. You can use your own photo, your logo, a video, etc. Its your choice.
  • Appeal to the emotional aspect of the reader. Use words which has a higher impact on the reader. For example instead of using “assist” use “help” or instead of using “donate” use “give”. This will appeal more to the emotional side of the people.
  • Use about us page to show value, usefulness, enthusiasm, inspiration, etc. Don’t put unnecessary fluff in it. Be specific and emotionally driven.
  • You can optimize your about page as well. Although its a personal choice but it will definitely help in your personal branding and your conversion in the opt-in form.
  • Remove all the objections of your reader. You are using your about page for capturing leads so remove every objection of them. You can do this by using testimonials, social proof, or a free give away to change the mindset of the people regarding your brand.
  • Last but not the least, use your about page for teaching purposes. Add value in their life. If you can use the about us page to teach your target audience then the chances of you succeeding will increase.


Your about pages basically have two jobs:

  • To make the reader excited to have found you
  • To guide them to the next action step

So focus on these two areas and write the about us page. The rest will be automatically taken care of.

If you need more inspiration for writing an about page you can also check out the best about pages from around the web.

Remember there are no limitations on how should you write your about page. The more creative you are, the better the page will perform to drive leads.

How are you going to use the tips in writing your about page? Do share your experience of how difficult or easy writing the about page is for you. I would love to hear from you.

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